Can Stress Cause Panic Attacks?
Doctors and researchers have offered many theories about a panic attacks cause.
One of these theories is that a major stressor or a series of stressors can trigger the first attack.
A major stressor could be one single event that happens in your life.
And, it would be a major event.
An attack could be triggered by an episode of abuse, by being involved in an accident, by witnessing a major accident, by being a victim of a violent crime, by witnessing a violent crime, by a childhood trauma, by a major illness, by the death of a family member, by the death of a friend, by being in the middle of a huge natural disaster, by an unpleasant major life transition or by any other major stressful situation, event or trauma.
And, the major stressor is not always a bad or unhappy event.
It could be in the form of a normally pleasant or happy event such as getting married, starting a new job, having a baby or any other pleasurable major life transition.
Or, it may be a series of stressors that trigger an attack.
Maybe the wedding day itself is not the trigger, but the planning - as well as dealing with friends and family and emotions - adds up and triggers an attack.
The process of having a baby could have a series of stressors such as the physical stress and changes a woman's body has, the financial pressures, the preparation for the baby and the worry about being able to properly take care of a baby.
Research has revealed that stress ultimately lowers our resistance, which can open the door to a predisposition for an attack - and a multitude of other health problems.
One of these theories is that a major stressor or a series of stressors can trigger the first attack.
A major stressor could be one single event that happens in your life.
And, it would be a major event.
An attack could be triggered by an episode of abuse, by being involved in an accident, by witnessing a major accident, by being a victim of a violent crime, by witnessing a violent crime, by a childhood trauma, by a major illness, by the death of a family member, by the death of a friend, by being in the middle of a huge natural disaster, by an unpleasant major life transition or by any other major stressful situation, event or trauma.
And, the major stressor is not always a bad or unhappy event.
It could be in the form of a normally pleasant or happy event such as getting married, starting a new job, having a baby or any other pleasurable major life transition.
Or, it may be a series of stressors that trigger an attack.
Maybe the wedding day itself is not the trigger, but the planning - as well as dealing with friends and family and emotions - adds up and triggers an attack.
The process of having a baby could have a series of stressors such as the physical stress and changes a woman's body has, the financial pressures, the preparation for the baby and the worry about being able to properly take care of a baby.
Research has revealed that stress ultimately lowers our resistance, which can open the door to a predisposition for an attack - and a multitude of other health problems.