Outdoor Garden Fountains & Bird Feeders
- Garden fountains can be a do-it-yourself project offering you the chance to create a fully customized product, or can be purchased as a kit, complete with pump, container and decorative rocks and plants.
- Bird feeders come in a variety of styles.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Bird feeders come in a variety of styles and will often differ according to the species of bird you're looking to attract. Hummingbird feeders, for example, are hung from eaves or overhangs and are filled with sugar water dyed red to attract the hummingbirds. - Some bird feeders are designed to be squirrelproof, and others feature economic designs that provide a space for seed and another for water. Window-mount feeders work well for apartment dwellers and those who wish to see birds up close.
- Not only are garden fountains visually appealing, but the sound of water can cover up unwanted noise such as the sound of traffic. Additionally, a water fountain will provide a water source for the birds who inhabit your outdoor living space.
Fountain Types
Bird Feeder Styles