The Best Ways to Archery Hunt From the Ground
- Natural materials such as tree branches, bushes, leaves and rocks can be built into a natural blind. Some rope or vine can be used to attach branches to a tree or bush, creating a wall to break up your silhouette. Many archers choose to dig out a 4- to 6-foot pit and lay leaf covered branches around the perimeter. This allows the hunter to remain hidden and rise out of the blind to take a shot.
- Pop up blinds are designed with a construction similar to camping tents, but feature camouflage materials and special zip away windows to shoot through. They are an ideal hunting solution for archers who like hunting from the ground. They provide shelter from the rain, snow and wind while concealing the archer's movement. The windows and door can be zipped shut to keep the area dry when you are not using it.
- Stalking game takes skill and luck, but can be a rewarding experience. A hunter either follows the fresh tracks of game or quietly walks an area looking for game. When game is spotted, the archer slowly moves into position while trying not to be spotted. An archer should use any cover such as trees, tall grass and bushes to shield himself from the animal. He must also be aware of the surface where he is walking, because sticks and dry leaves make a loud crunch and can scare the game away.
- Still hunting involves using natural ground features to hunt from and cover your silhouette. Trees make a natural hiding place if you are sure where the game will be walking. Hill tops are an ideal place to sit as you will be able to see down all sides of the hill and are not easily spotted. Still hunters can utilize a seat such as a bucket, lawn chair or specialty hunting chair to sit for long periods.
Homemade Blind
Pop Up Blind
Still Hunt