Regulations of Iowa Turkey Hunting Seasons
- Turkey hunting in Iowa is regulated by the Iowa DNR.turkey image by Bobi from
The wild turkey, once a threatened animal in Iowa, has grown to a stable population, and is now available for hunting. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources estimates that in an area with a good population of turkeys, there is approximately 10 per square mile, with up to 40 to 60 per square mile in perfect conditions. Turkey hunters in Iowa must follow specific rules and regulations, some of which are similar to deer hunting. - In order to hunt for turkey, a hunter must purchase a turkey hunting license, which is available to both residents and non-residents. A residential turkey license in 2010 cost $24.50. A $1 landowner-tenant license may be purchased for the purpose of hunting turkey on your own land. A non-resident turkey license costs $102. Non-residents must also pay a $13 habitat fee. Turkey hunting zones also have additional limitations on the number of licenses available. Zone 4 allows 1,500 licenses; Zone 5 allows 650; Zone 6 allows 1,400; Zone 7 allows 250; Zone 8 allows 150; and Zone 9 allows 200.
In addition, turkey hunters must also have a valid hunting license, $19 for residents and $112 for non-residents. - The fall 2010 turkey dates are Oct. 11 through Dec. 3 for firearms and bows. The archery only season is Oct. 11 through Dec. 3 as well as Dec. 20 through Jan. 10. The fall turkey season is not available to non-residents. Non-residents may participate in the spring seasons which run various dates April through May. Regardless of the season, shooting hours are limited to a half hour before sunrise to sunset. Those using a bow may continue until a half hour after sunset. According to the Iowa DNR, the daily bag and possession limit is one wild turkey of either sex for each valid license and transportation tag issued to the hunter.
- Residents and non-residents who were born after Jan. 1, 1972, must complete a hunter education course. Class dates are available at and by calling 515-281-5918. A hunter education certificate from another state may be considered valid.
- Longbows, recurve bows and compound bows are permitted with blunt head arrows. Firearms permitted must be 10-,12-,16- and 20-gauge shotguns or muzzle-loading shotguns using non-toxic shot. Live decoys, electronic turkey calls, radios, vehicles, aircrafts and bait may not be used to hunt turkey.
- According to two videos released by the Iowa DNR, anyone in the woods not hunting turkey during turkey season should wear blaze orange to identify themselves to hunters. The Iowa DNR advises all turkey hunters to be sure of their targets before firing and to never fire at movement or colors. Those hunting for turkey should scout out the area and be aware of other hunters.
Season, Hours and Bag Limits
Hunter Education
Legal Weapons and Prohibited Devices