How to Block Huntbar.Stoolbar
- 1). Click "Start," type "regedit" into the search field and press "Enter" to open the Windows Registry Editor.
- 2). Delete the following registry entries from the left pane of the Windows Registry Editor. To delete a registry entry, right-click the entry and select "Delete." To locate a particular registry entry, click "Edit," "Find," type the name of the entry into the search field and click "Find Next."
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\browser helper objects\{0a5cf411-f0bf-4af8-a2a4-8233f3109bed}
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\browser helper objects\{0a5cf411-f0bf-4af8-a2a4-8233f3109bed} - 3). Close the Registry Editor and restart your computer.