How to Set a Mouse Trap So a Mouse Cannot Steal the Bait
- 1). Smear peanut butter, cream cheese or a similar sticky food on the catch. The catch is the curled piece of metal that is on the same side as the hammer, or snap bar, before the trap is set.
- 2). Pull the hammer back to the other side of the trap carefully. Hold the bar in place with your thumb.
- 3). Slide the hold-down bar, or locking bar, across the trap, and hook it under the curled metal catch to lock the hammer in place.
- 4). Place your trap in an area where mice traffic. Usually, in a corner or against a wall works best.
- 1). Take a solid piece of food like cheese or a single kernel of popped popcorn, and glue it on to the catch.
- 2). Pull the hammer back, and hold it in place.
- 3). Hook the hold-down bar under the curled metal catch to lock it into place, and let go.
- 4). Place the trap.
Sticky Food Method
Super Glue Method