Home Aquaponics System - What You Need To Know
These days it's quite easy to build a home aquaponics system at home much cheaper than those extremely overpriced kits that you can buy.
If you don't know exactly what aquaponics is don't worry...
I'll give you a little introduction here.
Aquaponics combines two types of farming - hydroponics and aquaculture.
Combining the two is actually a rather genius idea.
Fish produce waste which is the nutrients that plants need to survive and flourish.
Plants then absorb these nutrients out of the water (effectively filtering it) and clean water is returned back to the tank where the fish are.
The first time I heard it explained I couldn't believe I had never heard about it before! It seems like such an amazing idea and yet there's very few people actually using a home aquaponics system.
Now that we know what aquaponics is...
what exactly are the benefits from having one.
There are two main benefits from having a home aquaponics system.
The first is that you can grow 10x the amount of produce in the same area as you would in a normal garden (which automatically means that you'll be producing 10x the amount of vegetables as your friends who have gardens).
The second benefit is that everything that you grow is organic.
You've never sprayed for pests (because you don't need to) and there's no need for fertilizer because the fish do all the fertilizing for you! How exactly do you get started in aquaponics though? The first thing I recommend to everyone who asks that question is to buy a guide.
There are several available online and they will teach you everything from building a home aquaponics system to what type of fish to use and how to grow certain plants.
There are some basic things you will need though.
For starters you're going to need an aquarium to hold your fish.
The size does matter because it will determine how big your grow bed can be.
For any indoor systems I recommend at least 20 gallons and if you plan on building one outdoors than whatever size you think you can manage.
You will also need a grow bed.
I recommend walking around your hardware store and looking for a waterproof container that has at least 8" sides.
A good rule of thumb is your grow bed should be roughly the size of your aquarium (unless it's outside of course because your tank will probably be quite deep).
To finish this setup all that's needed is a pump, filter and some plumbing.
You need to pump water from the aquarium up to the grow bed and it needs to drain back down again.
Again, I really can't stress how much a guide will help you with building your home aquaponics system.
Once you're setup enjoy all the fresh organic fruits and vegetables that you grow!
If you don't know exactly what aquaponics is don't worry...
I'll give you a little introduction here.
Aquaponics combines two types of farming - hydroponics and aquaculture.
Combining the two is actually a rather genius idea.
Fish produce waste which is the nutrients that plants need to survive and flourish.
Plants then absorb these nutrients out of the water (effectively filtering it) and clean water is returned back to the tank where the fish are.
The first time I heard it explained I couldn't believe I had never heard about it before! It seems like such an amazing idea and yet there's very few people actually using a home aquaponics system.
Now that we know what aquaponics is...
what exactly are the benefits from having one.
There are two main benefits from having a home aquaponics system.
The first is that you can grow 10x the amount of produce in the same area as you would in a normal garden (which automatically means that you'll be producing 10x the amount of vegetables as your friends who have gardens).
The second benefit is that everything that you grow is organic.
You've never sprayed for pests (because you don't need to) and there's no need for fertilizer because the fish do all the fertilizing for you! How exactly do you get started in aquaponics though? The first thing I recommend to everyone who asks that question is to buy a guide.
There are several available online and they will teach you everything from building a home aquaponics system to what type of fish to use and how to grow certain plants.
There are some basic things you will need though.
For starters you're going to need an aquarium to hold your fish.
The size does matter because it will determine how big your grow bed can be.
For any indoor systems I recommend at least 20 gallons and if you plan on building one outdoors than whatever size you think you can manage.
You will also need a grow bed.
I recommend walking around your hardware store and looking for a waterproof container that has at least 8" sides.
A good rule of thumb is your grow bed should be roughly the size of your aquarium (unless it's outside of course because your tank will probably be quite deep).
To finish this setup all that's needed is a pump, filter and some plumbing.
You need to pump water from the aquarium up to the grow bed and it needs to drain back down again.
Again, I really can't stress how much a guide will help you with building your home aquaponics system.
Once you're setup enjoy all the fresh organic fruits and vegetables that you grow!