Cancer Centers in Oklahoma
- Cancer centers in Oklahoma provide a variety of services, including massage and other alternative treatments.massage image by fderib from
Cancer treatment centers provide services to individuals and families in need of support, including diagnosis, treatment and emotional support. Many cancer centers provide clinical trials, as well as complementary medicine, including massage and dietary services. Finding a well-rounded cancer center in Oklahoma that is close to you and provides the services you need in your area can help improve your treatment. - In Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Cancer Treatment Centers of America provides diagnostic and therapeutic services for cancer, including imaging, chemotherapy, nutrition, spiritual support and other therapies for cancer. The center has provided treatment to cancer patients for more than 20 years.
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Southwestern Regional Medical Center
10109 East 79th Street (81st Street and Highway 169)
Tulsa, OK 74133
(800) 268-0786 - The Central Oklahoma Cancer Center provides comprehensive treatments for cancer through physicians, social workers, nutritional support, counseling and other care for diagnostic services, cancer treatment, support and cancer education.
Central Oklahoma Cancer Center
4401 South Western
Oklahoma City, OK 73109
(405) 636-786 - The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center offers the Cancer Institute at its campus in Oklahoma City. The center focuses on cancer research, education regarding care options, patient support and treatment therapies. Although they work with patients with many different diagnoses, they focus on colorectal, bladder and prostate cancers, pediatric cancer and lung cancer, as well as breast and cervical cancer.
OU Cancer Institute
OU Health Sciences Center
Biomedical Research Center 1417
975 Northeast 10th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
(405) 271-6822 - The Cancer Care Associates provides patients with cancer therapy, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy, surgery and bone marrow transplants. The Cancer Care Associates provides locations throughout Oklahoma. - The Mercy Health Center provides cancer services, such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. The Mercy Health Center provides treatment for diagnosis, staging and treatment. The Mercy Health Center provides resources focused on spiritual, emotional and physical care for cancer treatment throughout the education, diagnosis and treatment process.
Mercy Health Center
4300 West Memorial Road
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
(405) 232-4663
Cancer Centers in Oklahoma
Central Oklahoma Cancer Center
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Cancer Care Associates
Mercy Health Center