What You Should Know About Urine Therapy
Many people would shy away from even contemplating this, but urine therapy is well established in India.
Urine is only water containing mineral salts, hormones and the waste chemical urea, which is formed by the breakdown of nitrogen compounds.
It acts as an emollient, trapping water in the skin and, applied externally; it is reputed to clear skin conditions such as eczema.
In the past, bricklayers used to urinate on their hands to prevent dermatitis, and mothers used to wipe the faces of their babies with wet nappies to bring a bloom to their skin.
Wraps are used to treat fever and backache.
Cold sheeting is wrapped around your body, followed by a dry sheet and finally a warm blanket.
They are left in place until the inner sheet is dry, after which you sponge your body with tepid water and tower yourself dry.
Flotation is a form of sensory deprivation involving lying face upward in a dark, enclosed tank of heavily salted warm water for a measured length of time.
It is intended to be deeply relaxing and can induce an almost trance-like state in your mind or even a deep sleep.
There is biochemical evidence that when you immerse yourself in mineral water, there is a significant rise in the production of anti inflammatory hormones known as endorphins, which ease pain.
Researches say that eighty eight percent people with degenerative arthritis claim to have been helped by spa treatment.
Drinking spa water can ease an irritable bowel and help constipation.
Breathing steaming spa water can clear the sinuses, and one study has found that when asthmatic children had spa therapy, the number of days they were forced to take off school through illness was substantially reduced.
Urine is only water containing mineral salts, hormones and the waste chemical urea, which is formed by the breakdown of nitrogen compounds.
It acts as an emollient, trapping water in the skin and, applied externally; it is reputed to clear skin conditions such as eczema.
In the past, bricklayers used to urinate on their hands to prevent dermatitis, and mothers used to wipe the faces of their babies with wet nappies to bring a bloom to their skin.
Wraps are used to treat fever and backache.
Cold sheeting is wrapped around your body, followed by a dry sheet and finally a warm blanket.
They are left in place until the inner sheet is dry, after which you sponge your body with tepid water and tower yourself dry.
Flotation is a form of sensory deprivation involving lying face upward in a dark, enclosed tank of heavily salted warm water for a measured length of time.
It is intended to be deeply relaxing and can induce an almost trance-like state in your mind or even a deep sleep.
There is biochemical evidence that when you immerse yourself in mineral water, there is a significant rise in the production of anti inflammatory hormones known as endorphins, which ease pain.
Researches say that eighty eight percent people with degenerative arthritis claim to have been helped by spa treatment.
Drinking spa water can ease an irritable bowel and help constipation.
Breathing steaming spa water can clear the sinuses, and one study has found that when asthmatic children had spa therapy, the number of days they were forced to take off school through illness was substantially reduced.