Simple Affections - 9 Acts of Love to Show Your Spouse
Do you ever forget to thank your spouse for something wonderful he or she has done for you that day? I remember driving home from a business trip and my wife and I were having a phone chat.
Everything was fine then she mentioned this: "Why don't you send cards or flowers to me like you use to?" Busy schedules are not the reasons you forget.
Many couples simply forget the habits to show their love for one another after being together for a while.
This got me thinking of where my focus has been lately.
Although she was exaggerating a bit, I decided to change my recent actions for the better.
We decided to have a "couple council" that night and that we will both focus on our affection.
You can show sweet simple ways to say "I Love You" that can turn your day around.
Here are nine ways we both show our affections for one another: Take off her shoes for her when she gets home (If I'm home first) and ask her how her day was at work.
I know she loves to share her day with me.
Is your spouse coming home late from work? Then wait for your spouse (feed the kids early, of course) to sit down and have dinner together.
I tell her "I love you" And it's usually out of the blue.
This has been a habit of mine for sometime.
When the mood strikes me I tell her that.
It could be anywhere - in line at the market, walking to the car.
She always smiles back.
It's an unexpected way for me to express that I think about her.
Before bed, we tell each other what we are grateful for that day.
For example, "I'm grateful for the nice dinner you made" or "I'm grateful that you put gas in my car" I iron and press her clothes.
I ask her what she would wants ironed or sometimes I just surprise by ironing and pressing her skirts and blouses.
My wife shouts "Daddy's Home!" when I get home from work.
The kids come up running with a big, fat hug.
It makes feel appreciated and loved as soon as I get in.
I text message her with a numbers "143" which stands for "I love you" randomly throughout the day.
Sometimes is "XO".
I doesn't really what I wrote but the fact that I found time to let her know I am thinking of her.
When anyone of us is going away for a business trip.
We both leave post-it notes all over the house like "Te Amo" or "Mahal Kita" which both mean I love you in spanish and tagalog or just "Have a great day at work" She likes cold, sparkling water at her bedside so before I get to bed, I bring her favorite seltzer water next to her.
It takes more than words to tell your spouse you love him or her.
Now you have some ideas here.
Have fun with it.
Everything was fine then she mentioned this: "Why don't you send cards or flowers to me like you use to?" Busy schedules are not the reasons you forget.
Many couples simply forget the habits to show their love for one another after being together for a while.
This got me thinking of where my focus has been lately.
Although she was exaggerating a bit, I decided to change my recent actions for the better.
We decided to have a "couple council" that night and that we will both focus on our affection.
You can show sweet simple ways to say "I Love You" that can turn your day around.
Here are nine ways we both show our affections for one another: Take off her shoes for her when she gets home (If I'm home first) and ask her how her day was at work.
I know she loves to share her day with me.
Is your spouse coming home late from work? Then wait for your spouse (feed the kids early, of course) to sit down and have dinner together.
I tell her "I love you" And it's usually out of the blue.
This has been a habit of mine for sometime.
When the mood strikes me I tell her that.
It could be anywhere - in line at the market, walking to the car.
She always smiles back.
It's an unexpected way for me to express that I think about her.
Before bed, we tell each other what we are grateful for that day.
For example, "I'm grateful for the nice dinner you made" or "I'm grateful that you put gas in my car" I iron and press her clothes.
I ask her what she would wants ironed or sometimes I just surprise by ironing and pressing her skirts and blouses.
My wife shouts "Daddy's Home!" when I get home from work.
The kids come up running with a big, fat hug.
It makes feel appreciated and loved as soon as I get in.
I text message her with a numbers "143" which stands for "I love you" randomly throughout the day.
Sometimes is "XO".
I doesn't really what I wrote but the fact that I found time to let her know I am thinking of her.
When anyone of us is going away for a business trip.
We both leave post-it notes all over the house like "Te Amo" or "Mahal Kita" which both mean I love you in spanish and tagalog or just "Have a great day at work" She likes cold, sparkling water at her bedside so before I get to bed, I bring her favorite seltzer water next to her.
It takes more than words to tell your spouse you love him or her.
Now you have some ideas here.
Have fun with it.