District One Alleyway (40 Bui Vien Street), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
This alley near the corner of Bui Vien and De Tham Streets is one of many that have sprouted mini-hotels and guesthouses, in response to the influx of tourists seeking cheap accommodations.
Alleyways in Saigon's District One are not the crime-ridden, filthy dead ends one would expect; the ones we've encountered are clean, full of business, and offer interesting windows into urban Saigon living (most residences along these alleys keep their doors open, and you can see ordinary Saigon citizens relaxing in their homes as you pass by).
Many homeowners have actually converted their own homes into mini-hotels, and have stayed put in the process. Case in point, Kim Hotel - the front lobby of this six-story structure still serves as the family living room area, and the owner treats her guests almost like family. The illusion of home is shattered only when you enter the closet-size elevator to go up to your room.
Alleyways in Saigon's District One are not the crime-ridden, filthy dead ends one would expect; the ones we've encountered are clean, full of business, and offer interesting windows into urban Saigon living (most residences along these alleys keep their doors open, and you can see ordinary Saigon citizens relaxing in their homes as you pass by).
Many homeowners have actually converted their own homes into mini-hotels, and have stayed put in the process. Case in point, Kim Hotel - the front lobby of this six-story structure still serves as the family living room area, and the owner treats her guests almost like family. The illusion of home is shattered only when you enter the closet-size elevator to go up to your room.