How to Install a Mirror Using Mirror Clips
- 1). Check to make sure your mirror has the appropriate clips included. If purchasing the mirror from a store, it should come packaged with four L-shaped clips and screws. If the mirror did not come with clips, measure its thickness to find out the necessary width of the slots in the mirror clips. Purchase four clips and screws.
- 2). Place a level on the wall where you wish the bottom of the mirror to be. Mark a pencil line on the wall roughly the width of the mirror. This will be your guide for mounting the mirror on the wall.
- 3). Measure the exact width of the mirror with a measuring tape. Place two marks along the line you drew on the wall where the width of the mirror will be. This is where the bottom clips will be installed.
- 4). Hold one of the clips over one of the marks on the wall. Secure it in place using a screw and a drill or screwdriver. Repeat for the other mark on the wall.
- 5). Measure the height of the mirror. Draw a mark on the wall this distance above the bottom clips. Use the level and the measuring tape to make sure your mark is lined up with the bottom clips so the mirror is not crooked.
- 6). Draw another horizontal line, using the level, that will be your guide for the top of the mirror. Use the mirror's width measurement again and draw another mark where the mirror's width will end.
- 7). Screw the last two clips over the marks you made, in the same way you attached the bottom clips. Perform a final check with the level to make sure all the clips are secured straight. Erase the pencil marks on the wall.
- 8). Slide the bottom of the mirror into the two bottom clips. Push the mirror up against the wall, pushing it under and into the clips on the top. You may have to bend the mirror a little to push it up into the clips so it is securely attached to the wall.