Goal - Based Priorities For Leaders
How do real leaders create their priorities? Is it a haphazard, reactive procedure, or is it a result of thoroughly analyze the needs of one's organization and its stakeholders? True leaders understand that their priorities direct their actions, and thus determine the direction they take, as well as often the inevitable success and sustainability.
These are at least five components in this process: 1.
Identification; 2.
Having priorities that motivate you, your organization, and most stakeholders; 3.
Permitting priorities to guide one's agenda and attention; 4.
Committing to take timely and well - considered action; and 5.
Proceeding with clarity and true focus.
Having meaningful priorities does not mean merely assigning some haphazard order to what will be done.
It requires analyzing the needs of an organization, not merely on a short term basis, but also in the intermediate and longer term.
True leaders realize that what they do in the present will generally have far more long reaching and longer term ramifications.
Therefore, identifying what is needed and being organized to proceed in a manner that aligns with goal - based priorities, is generally the most effective and meaningful model.
Perhaps the most essential reason to proceed according to priorities is how it relates to motivation.
This includes personal motivation, as well as how it impacts and inspires others to care more, feel more appreciated, and consider a greater degree of involvement and commitment.
A leader must consider how his priorities guide his actions and agenda.
It is important to continuously be motivated and inspired by what he believes will best impact his organization, and to proceed with open eyes.
There is no leadership unless priorities guide and direct actions and agenda.
One of, if not, the single biggest obstacle to effective leadership is any tendency towards procrastination.
True leaders realize that procrastinating does not make a challenge go away, but rather generally makes the obstacle far more difficult to overcome because the delay inevitably exacerbates the situation.
Once priorities are carefully set, and a meaningful agenda has been created, there is a need to proceed in a timely manner, and be action oriented.
Far too many individuals who claim that they lead, stumble along either without clerarcut direction, or proceeding without focus.
Unfocussed individuals are never true leaders, because an essential component and asset for any leader, is maintaining one's focus, and proceeding in an organized and meaningful manner towards the accomplishment of necessary goals, that are needed to achieve priorities.
When someone does not proceed in a priority - based manner, there is often the risk of spending far too much time, energy and monies, on less relevant and/ or essential issues, while losing focus towards what is really needed! As the adage goes, "Don't sweat the petty stuff.
These are at least five components in this process: 1.
Identification; 2.
Having priorities that motivate you, your organization, and most stakeholders; 3.
Permitting priorities to guide one's agenda and attention; 4.
Committing to take timely and well - considered action; and 5.
Proceeding with clarity and true focus.
Having meaningful priorities does not mean merely assigning some haphazard order to what will be done.
It requires analyzing the needs of an organization, not merely on a short term basis, but also in the intermediate and longer term.
True leaders realize that what they do in the present will generally have far more long reaching and longer term ramifications.
Therefore, identifying what is needed and being organized to proceed in a manner that aligns with goal - based priorities, is generally the most effective and meaningful model.
Perhaps the most essential reason to proceed according to priorities is how it relates to motivation.
This includes personal motivation, as well as how it impacts and inspires others to care more, feel more appreciated, and consider a greater degree of involvement and commitment.
A leader must consider how his priorities guide his actions and agenda.
It is important to continuously be motivated and inspired by what he believes will best impact his organization, and to proceed with open eyes.
There is no leadership unless priorities guide and direct actions and agenda.
One of, if not, the single biggest obstacle to effective leadership is any tendency towards procrastination.
True leaders realize that procrastinating does not make a challenge go away, but rather generally makes the obstacle far more difficult to overcome because the delay inevitably exacerbates the situation.
Once priorities are carefully set, and a meaningful agenda has been created, there is a need to proceed in a timely manner, and be action oriented.
Far too many individuals who claim that they lead, stumble along either without clerarcut direction, or proceeding without focus.
Unfocussed individuals are never true leaders, because an essential component and asset for any leader, is maintaining one's focus, and proceeding in an organized and meaningful manner towards the accomplishment of necessary goals, that are needed to achieve priorities.
When someone does not proceed in a priority - based manner, there is often the risk of spending far too much time, energy and monies, on less relevant and/ or essential issues, while losing focus towards what is really needed! As the adage goes, "Don't sweat the petty stuff.