How to Pick Perfect Kittens and Cats
It is very important for the very little to be with their parents for at least 7 weeks to get use to being around other felines.
This is because you do not want issues when they are in contact with other little tigers.
So how do you pick out the best kittens and cats when you first see them? The very friendly ones are usually the best because they are not likely to be afraid of everything.
If they don't mind you holding them up and they don't react by squirming and trying to get away then this is a good sign.
This shows they enjoy being touched and love having affection.
The sign of a timid furball is to do a little test.
If you make a loud noise with an object like dropping keys near it, you should observe their behaviour.
If they simply won't go near the keys then it is best to avoid them however if they want to discover what the noise was then these are the best pets to go for.
Many people believe that kittens and cats of certain colour shape how their personalities are.
This is simply not true as you can get white cat that is feisty and loud or you can get a ginger cat that is shy and quiet.
What determines personality is their breed and even then there are some exceptions to the rule.
Therefore you should check out what certain breeds are like and how they will suit your family home rather looking at colour.
This is because you do not want issues when they are in contact with other little tigers.
So how do you pick out the best kittens and cats when you first see them? The very friendly ones are usually the best because they are not likely to be afraid of everything.
If they don't mind you holding them up and they don't react by squirming and trying to get away then this is a good sign.
This shows they enjoy being touched and love having affection.
The sign of a timid furball is to do a little test.
If you make a loud noise with an object like dropping keys near it, you should observe their behaviour.
If they simply won't go near the keys then it is best to avoid them however if they want to discover what the noise was then these are the best pets to go for.
Many people believe that kittens and cats of certain colour shape how their personalities are.
This is simply not true as you can get white cat that is feisty and loud or you can get a ginger cat that is shy and quiet.
What determines personality is their breed and even then there are some exceptions to the rule.
Therefore you should check out what certain breeds are like and how they will suit your family home rather looking at colour.