I Missed the Memo - Gerber Grins & Giggles No More
PriceGrabber |
Well, nuts.
No one told me that Gerber Grins & Giggles Products are going the way of the Dodo. I had to find out all-by-me-self when I was researching a future piece on my favorite winter time baby products.
The official statement from Gerber is they want to focus the Gerber brand at Nestlé on nutrition, health, and wellness as it relates to food. As such, the Grins & Giggles line was discontinued in the U.S. as of November 2007, and it will not be replaced.
So what is out there and on the shelves and stockrooms is all there is, ladies and gents.
Which brings me back to my initial product that I was researching - the Grins & Giggles Baby Moisturizing Stick. It had previously been marketed under Gerber Teeny Faces. I *love* that thing. Looks like I am going to be making a mad dash to the baby aisle of all my local department stores and pharmacies so that I can stock up.
It fit perfectly in my baby's diaper bag. I would whip it out right before we'd go out into the cold and schmear it on their chubby faces. It glides on smoothly and helps create a great barrier between their skin and the dry, frigid winter temperatures. And it is one of those timeless products too- baby, toddler, big kid, mama. No age discrimination there, we all used it.
I also had friends out in New Mexico who swore by the product for their dry climate as well. Very versatile, very convenient. No bottles cracking open spewing lotion everywhere, just a simple, solid moisturizing stick that fit in the palm of my hand.
Now what am I going to do? I can't seem to find any comparable moisturizing stick- except for one high-end product that sells for nearly $13 a pop.
Yeah... I don't think so.
So now I am soliciting you all for your insights - any recommendations for a great skin moisturizing product that stows away nicely in the diaper bag?
While I wait for your help, I am off to draft my letter to the folks at Gerber. Think I can convince them to bring the line back? Does making baby lotion really detract that much from selling baby food and formula? Is it that much a conflict of interest?
I know, I know. It's a lost cause. *sniff*
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