Help for Family Members Who Are Taking Care of a Cancer Patient
- Home health care agencies and hospices provide assistance to family members caring for cancer patients as well as providing assistance to the patients themselves. Home health aides assist family members in providing personal care for patients and sometimes also sit with patients for a few hours so family members can leave the house for a while and take a break. Social workers and chaplains provide emotional support to family members as well as patients; social workers also refer family members to other resources that can help them. Nurses educate family members about a patient's conditions and how to care for the patient properly at home.
- Support groups provide emotional support to family members of cancer patients, fulfilling an important need. Family members of those with serious illnesses, especially terminal conditions, face a great deal of stress and often have conflicting emotions. Connecting with others experiencing similar situations helps relieve stress and feelings of isolation. Hospitals frequently offer such support groups, as do hospices.
- Family members of cancer patients may need some financial assistance. They may be unable to work or need to cut back to part-time work instead of full-time employment in order to provide intensive care for patients in the home. In addition, even if patients have health insurance, their medical care may be costly. Financial assistance available to family members may include food stamps, assistance with rent payments and help with utility bills. Apply for financial assistance at your local welfare office. Even if you have a job, you may qualify for some help.
- Some foundations offer grants to families coping with serious illnesses like cancer. Money can be used for medical expenses, but in many instances family members can also use grant money for lodging, meals and transportation, if patients must travel for treatment, and for living expenses such as rent and utilities. Some foundations that offer grants include the United Healthcare Children's Fund, the Kelly Anne Dolan Memorial Fund and the Brenda Mehling Cancer Fund.
Home Health Care
Support Groups
Financial Assistance