Grants for the Rehab of Commercial Property
- The U.S. Department of Agriculture, USDA, sponsors grants used to renovate and repair commercial properties in rural areas. The Communities Facilities Grant program covers the costs to fix structures used for community, health and public safety purposes. Funds are also used to buy equipment for facility operations. Communities with less than 20,000 residents are eligible to receive grant funds. However, grants cover up to 75 percent of the project costs and communities with the lowest population and income levels receive higher priority.
- The Department of Housing and Urban Development, HUD, funds Main Street grants for small, populated areas to renovate commercial buildings and offices into affordable rental properties. These structures are located in the areas' historical downtown districts, and the buildings' historical character must remain intact during the rehabilitation projects. Eligible communities must have less than 100 physical public housing units and 50,000 residents.
- Another HUD grant program is the Community Entitlement Grant program. Cities and counties with more than 50,000 and 200,000 residents, respectively, are eligible to apply for grants used to rehabilitate old nonresidential and public buildings and construct new ones. Funds are also used to purchase property, demolish uninhabitable structures and provide assistance to businesses for economic development activities.
- The Department of Transportation provides grants to urbanized areas to upgrade public transportation systems. Grants are used to construct new or rehabilitate existing public transportation facilities. Funds are also used to plan and acquire land and buildings as well as purchase equipment. Cities with more than 50,000 residents are eligible to apply for these grants. Areas with more than 200,000 residents must use 1 percent of grant funds for transportation enhancement, while areas with less than 200,000 residents use 1 percent to cover operating costs.
Community Facilities Grants
Main Street Grants
Community Entitlement Grants
Federal Transit Grants