How to Remove a Tick From a Dog's Face
- 1). Put on a pair of latex gloves before handling the tick. If the tick is infected with a disease, it can pass infectious agents through its mucous membranes and infect humans.
- 2). Gently brush your dog's hair away from the tick so that you can easily see where the tick's mouth is attached to the dog's skin. If your dog has extremely long hair, you may consider trimming a small amount of the hair directly surrounding the tick away, for better visibility and access to the tick.
- 3). Hold the dog's head securely, so she does not twist or pull away as you are attempting to remove the tick.
- 4). Using a pair of tweezers, grasp the tick as closely to the dog's skin as you can. When removing a tick, there is the possibility that the head of the tick will detach and remain behind in the skin. Grasping the tick's body as close to the skin surface as you possibly can helps to reduce this, as it is more likely you will be successful in extracting the entire tick.
- 5). Remove the tick in one firm, steady motion. Do not try to jerk the tick out, or twist the tick's body as you are removing it. A steady, straight-out motion is the best method for tick removal.
- 6). Dispose of the tick by placing it in alcohol and/or flushing it down the toilet. Never crush the tick using your fingers, as this can release and spread infectious diseases.
- 7). Wash the bite site thoroughly with a disinfectant soap to help prevent infection. You can also wash the site with regular soap and water and apply an antiseptic or antibacterial spray or cream to the site.
- 8). Monitor the bite site for a few days to check for signs of infection or irritation.