Diabetes Affects One"s Ability To Drive - Learn More Information
Just like any other occupational groups, professional drivers are confronted with a range of occupational hazards in their workplace.
Aside from the road and vehicular accidents which they may encounter while working, the long years of being in this profession increases the driver's susceptibility to a number of serious health risks.
Despite their moving working environment, many drivers are observing a sedentary lifestyle which is a major risk factor for diabetes.
Defining Diabetes...
Diabetes is a serious health condition primarily characterized by high levels of sugar in the blood.
It is often associated with the failure, long term damage and dysfunction of certain organs in the body which include the eyes, nerves, kidneys, blood vessels and the heart.
Diabetes is normally caused by the failure of the pancreas to secrete insulin, and inability of the pancreas to produce sufficient amount of insulin.
These usually occur as a result of pancreatic beta cell destruction.
Insulin is a hormones produced by the pancreas which plays a vital role in sustaining a healthy and optimum level of glucose in the blood.
There are three types of diabetes.
These include the Type I, Type and gestational diabetes.
Type I diabetes usually occurs during adolescence and childhood because the pancreas is no longer capable of producing insulin.
The pancreatic beta cells are completely destroyed, thus insulin therapy, through injection or pump, is necessary for survival.
Meanwhile, gestational diabetes develops during pregnancy and usually disappears after delivery.
But it may also develop into Type II diabetes.
On the other hand, Type II diabetes occurs due to the inability of the body cells to utilize insulin effectively.
In this type of diabetes, the pancreas is not capable of producing sufficient amount of insulin.
This condition is usually associated with adults but recent studies show that there is an increasing incidence rate in children and adolescents.
Professional drivers are very prone to suffer from this condition but Type II diabetes can be controlled through lifestyle changes.
Diabetes and Professional Driving In a study involving diabetic drivers from the US and Europe, results showed that diabetic drivers are very likely to get involved in vehicle collision compared to their non-diabetic spouse.
Apart from their sedentary lifestyle, many drivers engage in alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking which increases their risk for diabetes.
Despite the availability of treatments for diabetes, the government mandates diabetic people with BG of less than 70mg/dl to quit or delay driving until they have reached an optimum level of BG.
Are Drivers with Diabetes Allowed to Drive? Yes, diabetic individuals can still drive.
However, they are subject to a number of restrictions and licensing requirements.
While some states completely restrict diabetic people from driving, there are others which ask drivers about their diabetes, their management plan and other diabetes-related problem before they decide to restrict the drivers.
Vehicle restriction and issuance of license are highly dependent on the patient's answers.
Effects of Diabetes on Driving Long term suffering from diabetes can also bring complications to the health of drivers which affect their ability to drive.
According to research, diabetes may trigger the onset of diabetic retinopathy.
It is a condition best described by the loss of visual acuity or peripheral vision.
In this connection, diabetic retinopathy may impair the driver's ability to read traffic and street signs which may trigger the occurrence of vehicular accidents.
Diabetes may also trigger the onset of diabetic neuropathy, a condition characterized by the loss of sensation and feeling in the feet.
This may affect the driver's ability to apply appropriate pressure on the brakes or control the vehicle's speed.
Due to the extremely high or low level of glucose in the blood, diabetic patients tend to suffer from a wide range of symptoms while driving.
These symptoms include loss of consciousness, seizures, drowsiness, dizziness, confusion and blurred vision.
In some cases, diabetes can lead to nerve damage in the hands, eyes, feet and legs.
It can even lead to blindness or it may trigger amputation.
What to Do to Control Diabetes While Driving Diabetes can be controlled and its symptoms can be managed effectively with the right treatment plan.
When left uncontrolled, diabetes can lead to a number of complications which include stroke, heart disease, amputation, blindness, kidney failure and nervous system diseases that can impair one's ability to drive.
Always check your glucose level before driving.
Never drive if your glucose level is too low.
Hypolycemia can cause trouble in concentrating and focusing and it can negatively affect your judgment.
When driving, bring along a snack which contains fast-acting sugar.
These foods include hard candies, glucose tablets and juices.
Aside from the road and vehicular accidents which they may encounter while working, the long years of being in this profession increases the driver's susceptibility to a number of serious health risks.
Despite their moving working environment, many drivers are observing a sedentary lifestyle which is a major risk factor for diabetes.
Defining Diabetes...
Diabetes is a serious health condition primarily characterized by high levels of sugar in the blood.
It is often associated with the failure, long term damage and dysfunction of certain organs in the body which include the eyes, nerves, kidneys, blood vessels and the heart.
Diabetes is normally caused by the failure of the pancreas to secrete insulin, and inability of the pancreas to produce sufficient amount of insulin.
These usually occur as a result of pancreatic beta cell destruction.
Insulin is a hormones produced by the pancreas which plays a vital role in sustaining a healthy and optimum level of glucose in the blood.
There are three types of diabetes.
These include the Type I, Type and gestational diabetes.
Type I diabetes usually occurs during adolescence and childhood because the pancreas is no longer capable of producing insulin.
The pancreatic beta cells are completely destroyed, thus insulin therapy, through injection or pump, is necessary for survival.
Meanwhile, gestational diabetes develops during pregnancy and usually disappears after delivery.
But it may also develop into Type II diabetes.
On the other hand, Type II diabetes occurs due to the inability of the body cells to utilize insulin effectively.
In this type of diabetes, the pancreas is not capable of producing sufficient amount of insulin.
This condition is usually associated with adults but recent studies show that there is an increasing incidence rate in children and adolescents.
Professional drivers are very prone to suffer from this condition but Type II diabetes can be controlled through lifestyle changes.
Diabetes and Professional Driving In a study involving diabetic drivers from the US and Europe, results showed that diabetic drivers are very likely to get involved in vehicle collision compared to their non-diabetic spouse.
Apart from their sedentary lifestyle, many drivers engage in alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking which increases their risk for diabetes.
Despite the availability of treatments for diabetes, the government mandates diabetic people with BG of less than 70mg/dl to quit or delay driving until they have reached an optimum level of BG.
Are Drivers with Diabetes Allowed to Drive? Yes, diabetic individuals can still drive.
However, they are subject to a number of restrictions and licensing requirements.
While some states completely restrict diabetic people from driving, there are others which ask drivers about their diabetes, their management plan and other diabetes-related problem before they decide to restrict the drivers.
Vehicle restriction and issuance of license are highly dependent on the patient's answers.
Effects of Diabetes on Driving Long term suffering from diabetes can also bring complications to the health of drivers which affect their ability to drive.
According to research, diabetes may trigger the onset of diabetic retinopathy.
It is a condition best described by the loss of visual acuity or peripheral vision.
In this connection, diabetic retinopathy may impair the driver's ability to read traffic and street signs which may trigger the occurrence of vehicular accidents.
Diabetes may also trigger the onset of diabetic neuropathy, a condition characterized by the loss of sensation and feeling in the feet.
This may affect the driver's ability to apply appropriate pressure on the brakes or control the vehicle's speed.
Due to the extremely high or low level of glucose in the blood, diabetic patients tend to suffer from a wide range of symptoms while driving.
These symptoms include loss of consciousness, seizures, drowsiness, dizziness, confusion and blurred vision.
In some cases, diabetes can lead to nerve damage in the hands, eyes, feet and legs.
It can even lead to blindness or it may trigger amputation.
What to Do to Control Diabetes While Driving Diabetes can be controlled and its symptoms can be managed effectively with the right treatment plan.
When left uncontrolled, diabetes can lead to a number of complications which include stroke, heart disease, amputation, blindness, kidney failure and nervous system diseases that can impair one's ability to drive.
Always check your glucose level before driving.
Never drive if your glucose level is too low.
Hypolycemia can cause trouble in concentrating and focusing and it can negatively affect your judgment.
When driving, bring along a snack which contains fast-acting sugar.
These foods include hard candies, glucose tablets and juices.