Anxiety Treatment Through Herbal Remedies
Everybody is entitled to feel anxious and worry over grave matters from time to time.
This is very normal.
But when the anxiety and tension get out of hand, when you start worrying excessively even over trivial issues without any basis or reason, when your phobias and fears are unrealistic and negatively affect your everyday life, it is said that you suffer from generalized anxiety disorder.
And of course you require anxiety treatment before the situation gets out of hand.
Some of the symptoms of anxiety disorders are poor concentration, impatience, irritability, feelings of restlessness or being edgy, feeling tense, inability to fall asleep, insomnia and so on.
Some other physical symptoms are headache, excessive sweating, bloating, indigestion, chest tightness, fatigue, dry mouth, muscle tension, jaw pain and so on.
Anxiety treatment through natural remedies In this article, I will share with you a few natural remedies for anxiety treatment that have been proven to be effective.
Some natural remedies for anxiety include intake of chamomile extracts, B Vitamins, magnesium, calcium and pantothenic acid.
Aromatherapy for anxiety treatment Although aromatherapy has no therapeutic effect like allopath, you can use delightfully fragrant essential oils to dissipate your tensions and worries.
You can mix plant essential oils in your bath water; you can use them in your infusers or even in your massage oil.
Some of the anxiety treatment essential oils that sooth the nerves are ylang ylang, sandalwood, rose, evening primrose, neroli, Melissa, lavender, jasmine, geranium, cypress and bergamot.
You can use lavender oil as your base for different types of relaxing blends.
Passionflower One of the ancient folk remedies for curing tension and anxiety is the herb passionflower.
It can also offer relief from insomnia.
The effect of passionflower is similar to that of benzodiazepine drugs.
Compared to drugs like mexazolam that can make you feel drowsy, passionflower, in a study involving some 198 individuals, proved to be less drowsy and more effective.
However, passionflower can have serious side effects like increased rate of heart beat, drowsiness, vomiting, nausea etc.
It is best for pregnant or nursing women to stay away from passionflower combinations.
Bodywork Some other techniques of inducing relaxation are different forms of bodywork like shiatsu, massage therapy of different types etc which can improve your sleep, relieve stress and diminish muscle tension.
You can even take the help of meditation, self hypnosis, tai chi, yoga, martial arts, physical exercise and breathing exercises for anxiety treatment.
This is very normal.
But when the anxiety and tension get out of hand, when you start worrying excessively even over trivial issues without any basis or reason, when your phobias and fears are unrealistic and negatively affect your everyday life, it is said that you suffer from generalized anxiety disorder.
And of course you require anxiety treatment before the situation gets out of hand.
Some of the symptoms of anxiety disorders are poor concentration, impatience, irritability, feelings of restlessness or being edgy, feeling tense, inability to fall asleep, insomnia and so on.
Some other physical symptoms are headache, excessive sweating, bloating, indigestion, chest tightness, fatigue, dry mouth, muscle tension, jaw pain and so on.
Anxiety treatment through natural remedies In this article, I will share with you a few natural remedies for anxiety treatment that have been proven to be effective.
Some natural remedies for anxiety include intake of chamomile extracts, B Vitamins, magnesium, calcium and pantothenic acid.
Aromatherapy for anxiety treatment Although aromatherapy has no therapeutic effect like allopath, you can use delightfully fragrant essential oils to dissipate your tensions and worries.
You can mix plant essential oils in your bath water; you can use them in your infusers or even in your massage oil.
Some of the anxiety treatment essential oils that sooth the nerves are ylang ylang, sandalwood, rose, evening primrose, neroli, Melissa, lavender, jasmine, geranium, cypress and bergamot.
You can use lavender oil as your base for different types of relaxing blends.
Passionflower One of the ancient folk remedies for curing tension and anxiety is the herb passionflower.
It can also offer relief from insomnia.
The effect of passionflower is similar to that of benzodiazepine drugs.
Compared to drugs like mexazolam that can make you feel drowsy, passionflower, in a study involving some 198 individuals, proved to be less drowsy and more effective.
However, passionflower can have serious side effects like increased rate of heart beat, drowsiness, vomiting, nausea etc.
It is best for pregnant or nursing women to stay away from passionflower combinations.
Bodywork Some other techniques of inducing relaxation are different forms of bodywork like shiatsu, massage therapy of different types etc which can improve your sleep, relieve stress and diminish muscle tension.
You can even take the help of meditation, self hypnosis, tai chi, yoga, martial arts, physical exercise and breathing exercises for anxiety treatment.