4 Top Biblical Reasons for Marriage
Marriage is a great and beautiful thing.
Do you know why it is a beautiful thing? It was God's idea.
God initiated it.
That means it was never man's idea or initiative.
God realized man's need for companionship.
Now let us consider the biblical reasons for marriage: 1.
To address loneliness According to Genesis 2:18, God saw that it was not good for man to be alone.
So He made a helpmeet suitable for him.
So before a woman came to the scene, the man was lonely.
This shows us that every man needs a woman.
He needs a wife.
For that to happen, they need to be married according to the law of God.
Why the law of God? Remember, God instituted it.
It was His idea.
So He knows what is best for us.
Man needs a helpmeet Man needed a helper suitable for him.
In which ways does a woman help a man? They include prayer, providing food, sex, counsel, encouragement, comfort, performing housekeeping duties, socially, showing hospitality, etc.
This shows that a woman is very special.
She makes a man look good.
When a man is alone, things are tough.
That is why I really need my wife.
Marriage helps avoid fornication Any sexual relationship outside the perimeters of marriage is fornication and God does not allow it.
Using the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 7:1-2, God stated that in order to avoid fornication, every man must have his own wife and every woman must have her own husband.
So it is advisable to get married.
Marriage is the good environment for having children After God had officiated the wedding of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, He blessed them.
Among other things, He told them to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth.
So the acceptable way of bringing children on earth is through the medium of marriage.
However, we must note that the absence of children does not nullify your marriage.
Moreover, the arrival of children does not validate a marriage.
Regardless of either of the two circumstances, the marriage is valid.
Those are the biblical reasons for marriage.
One must always ensure that his marriage fulfills the reasons.
If the marriage honours God, it should solve the problem of loneliness, helping each other as lovers, avoid fornication, and it should be the only medium of having children.
Do you know why it is a beautiful thing? It was God's idea.
God initiated it.
That means it was never man's idea or initiative.
God realized man's need for companionship.
Now let us consider the biblical reasons for marriage: 1.
To address loneliness According to Genesis 2:18, God saw that it was not good for man to be alone.
So He made a helpmeet suitable for him.
So before a woman came to the scene, the man was lonely.
This shows us that every man needs a woman.
He needs a wife.
For that to happen, they need to be married according to the law of God.
Why the law of God? Remember, God instituted it.
It was His idea.
So He knows what is best for us.
Man needs a helpmeet Man needed a helper suitable for him.
In which ways does a woman help a man? They include prayer, providing food, sex, counsel, encouragement, comfort, performing housekeeping duties, socially, showing hospitality, etc.
This shows that a woman is very special.
She makes a man look good.
When a man is alone, things are tough.
That is why I really need my wife.
Marriage helps avoid fornication Any sexual relationship outside the perimeters of marriage is fornication and God does not allow it.
Using the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 7:1-2, God stated that in order to avoid fornication, every man must have his own wife and every woman must have her own husband.
So it is advisable to get married.
Marriage is the good environment for having children After God had officiated the wedding of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, He blessed them.
Among other things, He told them to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth.
So the acceptable way of bringing children on earth is through the medium of marriage.
However, we must note that the absence of children does not nullify your marriage.
Moreover, the arrival of children does not validate a marriage.
Regardless of either of the two circumstances, the marriage is valid.
Those are the biblical reasons for marriage.
One must always ensure that his marriage fulfills the reasons.
If the marriage honours God, it should solve the problem of loneliness, helping each other as lovers, avoid fornication, and it should be the only medium of having children.