Are You Going to Live a Long Healthy Life Or One Cut Short by Disease?
Millions of people around the world are sadly discovering battling a chronic disease or illness is devastating.
Having one can steal your health, your mind, your life savings, your dignity, your future and most likely your life.
In short, chronic disease is a nasty villain that can leave you as helpless as a new born baby.
Yet many people are not aware they do not have to become a victim.
You can protect yourself from even the most devastating chronic diseases.
Even diseases that terrorize like heart disease, cancer and diabetes are all preventable.
The World Health Organization states that 80 percent of all chronic disease is preventable, yet 388 million people are destined to die in the next decade of chronic disease.
So why on earth do we wait until something this serious and life changing hunts us down and wrecks our lives? It is not like we don't know how to take care of ourselves.
The information is 'out there' and has been 'out there' for years, if not decades.
At the very top of the list is proper exercise and healthy eating.
Yet for many people the thought of doing these two things seems to be worse than the risk of contracting a chronic disease from which there is no cure.
What could explain the fact that two thirds of us do not do enough proper exercise? Is it too hard? Does it take up too much of our precious time? Is it inconvenient? It may well be all of those things but how hard or how inconvenient would it be to have a chronic incurable disease? How much time would that take up? It is not helpful that the people that are supposed to have our interests at heart, our governments and our medical establishments are not doing anywhere near enough to educate people about how to prevent chronic disease.
Could this be because the ones benefiting from all is the current 'sickness treatment system'? This includes the medical establishment, hospital organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and drug stores (new stores on every corner), the food industry, insurance companies etc.
Even the media, newspapers, television, and radio are in on it with their dependence on advertising revenue from drugs that only treat symptoms and never the cause.
Get rid of the idea there is any health care available as there is only sickness treatment.
These financially driven groups are now starting their massive 'harvest' of the aging baby boomer population as they fall off the cliff.
Considering there are 80 million baby boomers in the US alone one can imagine what this is worth and is measured in billions of dollars to these organizations.
What reason could they have to encourage lots of well people, how could the 'sickness treatment systems' profit from that? It would become a financial disaster for the revenue streams of all of those that profit handsomely from the misery and pain of sick humans.
But you don't have to take this; you can cheat them out of their ill gotten spoils.
Get yourself off to a gym or fitness center and get yourself strong and fit.
Refuse to buy processed food in pretty boxes made with dirt cheap ingredients than contain little to no nutrition.
Start buying and cooking whole foods from scratch.
Get rid of the sugar, the while flour, the baked goods and the soft drinks.
Start taking good care of your body and your health using proper (muscle building and maintaining) exercise and healthy eating.
If it is done properly it doesn't have to take up much time and will become much easier than you think once the habits are established.
Make it your mission not to be one of those 388 million people in this world to be hunted down and taken out by preventable chronic disease.
It is totally in your hands, your future and your life is under your control.
At the end of each day count up the things you have done that day that will take you a step closer to wellness and a step away from illness.
Teach your children or your grandchildren to do the same.
Having one can steal your health, your mind, your life savings, your dignity, your future and most likely your life.
In short, chronic disease is a nasty villain that can leave you as helpless as a new born baby.
Yet many people are not aware they do not have to become a victim.
You can protect yourself from even the most devastating chronic diseases.
Even diseases that terrorize like heart disease, cancer and diabetes are all preventable.
The World Health Organization states that 80 percent of all chronic disease is preventable, yet 388 million people are destined to die in the next decade of chronic disease.
So why on earth do we wait until something this serious and life changing hunts us down and wrecks our lives? It is not like we don't know how to take care of ourselves.
The information is 'out there' and has been 'out there' for years, if not decades.
At the very top of the list is proper exercise and healthy eating.
Yet for many people the thought of doing these two things seems to be worse than the risk of contracting a chronic disease from which there is no cure.
What could explain the fact that two thirds of us do not do enough proper exercise? Is it too hard? Does it take up too much of our precious time? Is it inconvenient? It may well be all of those things but how hard or how inconvenient would it be to have a chronic incurable disease? How much time would that take up? It is not helpful that the people that are supposed to have our interests at heart, our governments and our medical establishments are not doing anywhere near enough to educate people about how to prevent chronic disease.
Could this be because the ones benefiting from all is the current 'sickness treatment system'? This includes the medical establishment, hospital organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and drug stores (new stores on every corner), the food industry, insurance companies etc.
Even the media, newspapers, television, and radio are in on it with their dependence on advertising revenue from drugs that only treat symptoms and never the cause.
Get rid of the idea there is any health care available as there is only sickness treatment.
These financially driven groups are now starting their massive 'harvest' of the aging baby boomer population as they fall off the cliff.
Considering there are 80 million baby boomers in the US alone one can imagine what this is worth and is measured in billions of dollars to these organizations.
What reason could they have to encourage lots of well people, how could the 'sickness treatment systems' profit from that? It would become a financial disaster for the revenue streams of all of those that profit handsomely from the misery and pain of sick humans.
But you don't have to take this; you can cheat them out of their ill gotten spoils.
Get yourself off to a gym or fitness center and get yourself strong and fit.
Refuse to buy processed food in pretty boxes made with dirt cheap ingredients than contain little to no nutrition.
Start buying and cooking whole foods from scratch.
Get rid of the sugar, the while flour, the baked goods and the soft drinks.
Start taking good care of your body and your health using proper (muscle building and maintaining) exercise and healthy eating.
If it is done properly it doesn't have to take up much time and will become much easier than you think once the habits are established.
Make it your mission not to be one of those 388 million people in this world to be hunted down and taken out by preventable chronic disease.
It is totally in your hands, your future and your life is under your control.
At the end of each day count up the things you have done that day that will take you a step closer to wellness and a step away from illness.
Teach your children or your grandchildren to do the same.