How to Draw Sasquatch
- 1). Find good example pictures to use as a reference. Get one of a large, muscular man and one of a grown gorilla. Print them out.
- 2). Draw the structure of the body, beginning with circles to get the right proportions. Use the muscular man as the guide. A person is a total of eight heads tall --- half for the top part of the body (including the actual head), and half for the bottom.
- 3). Fill in the head of the body using the gorilla face as a reference. Gorillas' faces are known by their characteristic rounded nose and mouth area and sunken eyes. Trace over the existing picture of the gorilla to help get the feel of drawing the face.
- 4). Add hair all over the entire body. Be sure to still allow muscles to show through, but are all covered.
- 5). Draw in sharp teeth. Other things can be exaggerated on depending on how menacing you want your Sasquatch. Long fingernails or drool can be added. Keep playing around with mixing the human form and the gorilla form. Keep tracing the exisiting pictures so you have an idea of how each curve is formed.