How to Get My Ex Back - Because I Was Drunk When I Dumped Her and Now I"m Really, Really Sorry
Well, now you've done it.
You broke up with your girlfriend when you weren't thinking straight.
And boy, do you regret it.
Will she ever forgive you and take you back? If you dumped your girl when you were drunk or just being an idiot, here is some advice to repair the damage.
First of all, you must apologize.
I'm not saying that you should be a pathetic worm about it.
You can apologize in a dignified manner.
The ability to take responsibility for your mistakes is an admirable quality and not a weakness in any way.
You have an opportunity to show your ex how much of a man you are, so don't blow it.
The motivation for your apology is very important.
Don't make it about you.
By that, I mean don't apologize because you're feeling desperate and lonely.
That's just you thinking about your own wants and needs.
Instead, do it because you are genuinely sorry for hurting someone you care about.
Trust me, your ex-girlfriend can tell the difference.
A sincere and thoughtful "I'm sorry" will go a long way towards making things right.
Maybe your ex is still angry and hurt, or maybe there were other problems in the relationship.
If this is the case, then after your apology you need to give her a little breathing room.
You need some time as well to figure out how the relationship got to that bad place.
There are things you could do now that would totally destroy any chance of getting your ex back.
And there are actions that would greatly improve your chances.
If you're not sure what the right actions are, please get some trustworthy advice.
Talk to your friends and see if you can learn anything from their experiences.
Even if you dumped your girlfriend in a moment of poor alcoholic judgment, there may be hope.
If you truly care for her, then it's worth the effort to try to make amends and get your ex-lover back.
Don't have a lifelong regret because you're too proud to admit you were wrong.
You broke up with your girlfriend when you weren't thinking straight.
And boy, do you regret it.
Will she ever forgive you and take you back? If you dumped your girl when you were drunk or just being an idiot, here is some advice to repair the damage.
First of all, you must apologize.
I'm not saying that you should be a pathetic worm about it.
You can apologize in a dignified manner.
The ability to take responsibility for your mistakes is an admirable quality and not a weakness in any way.
You have an opportunity to show your ex how much of a man you are, so don't blow it.
The motivation for your apology is very important.
Don't make it about you.
By that, I mean don't apologize because you're feeling desperate and lonely.
That's just you thinking about your own wants and needs.
Instead, do it because you are genuinely sorry for hurting someone you care about.
Trust me, your ex-girlfriend can tell the difference.
A sincere and thoughtful "I'm sorry" will go a long way towards making things right.
Maybe your ex is still angry and hurt, or maybe there were other problems in the relationship.
If this is the case, then after your apology you need to give her a little breathing room.
You need some time as well to figure out how the relationship got to that bad place.
There are things you could do now that would totally destroy any chance of getting your ex back.
And there are actions that would greatly improve your chances.
If you're not sure what the right actions are, please get some trustworthy advice.
Talk to your friends and see if you can learn anything from their experiences.
Even if you dumped your girlfriend in a moment of poor alcoholic judgment, there may be hope.
If you truly care for her, then it's worth the effort to try to make amends and get your ex-lover back.
Don't have a lifelong regret because you're too proud to admit you were wrong.