How to Run Windows Security Policies
- 1). Click the Windows "Start" menu, "Control Panel," then "Administrative Tools," and double-click the "Local Security Policy" icon (for Windows XP).
For other Windows versions, access through the Group Policy Editor. Press the "Ctrl" and "R" keys to launch the command prompt, type "gpedit.msc" and press "Enter." Expand "Computer configuration," "Windows Settings" and "Security Settings." - 2). Expand the sub-folder that corresponds to the security policies you wish to configure and run. Choose "Account Policies" for settings related to passwords, lockouts and Kerberos policies.
Choose "Local Policies" for settings related to user rights, security options and audit policies. (See Resources for Microsofts's description of each security area.) - 3). Configure to run the desired "User Rights Assignments" snap-ins, for example. Expand the "Local Policies" sub-folder and click the "User Rights Assignments" folder.
- 4). Scroll through the list of settings on the right pane and double-click the security setting you wish to configure and run. For example, double-click the "Shut down the system" option. A Properties window opens, displaying the users who are allowed to run this function (Administrators, Power Users, Users, Backup Operators).
- 5). Disable the ability of one of these users to run this function by selecting it from the list, clicking the "Remove" button, then clicking "Apply" and "OK." Close the Group Policy Editor utility when finished and the configured settings will start running automatically.