How to Build Your Little Ones Social Skills
As soon as a kid is born they start to recognize faces and especially the parents.
Even within the parents they see more familiarity with the mothers.
They feel secure with the mother and the reason is not hard to fathom.
As the kids start growing up it is up to the parents to start bringing the kids into social fabric of the society.
The learning's go up to the age of 15 or 16 but by that age the kids have usually developed their own understanding of the social fabric and know how to deal with it.
However some kids may need your intervention even at that age.
When you kid is young say between zero to 2 years you should not force them to integrate well with the social settings.
At this age the kids are able to barely speak and they cannot express their feelings.
Some kids you will see will be happy seeing the other kids and some kids are absolutely own their own.
It is natural as that age kids are very immature and don't understand friendships.
At that stage your best bet is to at least take them out to a playground or a learning school to make sure that they are getting familiar with a few faces.
As the kids grow you need to tell them how to express their feelings.
Anyone older than two years will understand some expressions like "hello", "thank you and "how are you".
If you teach your kid these things then at least they will have a way to start the conversation.
The scene changes drastically when the kids enter the preschool and they start forming friendships of their won without any help from you.
At the school make sure that teachers involve kids in variety of projects which will help them get into habit of talking to other fellow students.
School and teachers play a big part as they are able to use that setting where parents are not there to help as an advantage to get the kid out of shell and protective environment.
Later on in life there will be various places where the kids may need your help but largely they will be able to do on their own.
The initial hesitation is all gone because of the social fabric training in the initial years.
As always there will be kids who will still be left out.
It is based on the kid's nature and the family influences.
Some kids will need more support throughout and some will never.
So it is really up to the parents to develop their child into a good social being and it will surely lay a good foundation for future years.
Even within the parents they see more familiarity with the mothers.
They feel secure with the mother and the reason is not hard to fathom.
As the kids start growing up it is up to the parents to start bringing the kids into social fabric of the society.
The learning's go up to the age of 15 or 16 but by that age the kids have usually developed their own understanding of the social fabric and know how to deal with it.
However some kids may need your intervention even at that age.
When you kid is young say between zero to 2 years you should not force them to integrate well with the social settings.
At this age the kids are able to barely speak and they cannot express their feelings.
Some kids you will see will be happy seeing the other kids and some kids are absolutely own their own.
It is natural as that age kids are very immature and don't understand friendships.
At that stage your best bet is to at least take them out to a playground or a learning school to make sure that they are getting familiar with a few faces.
As the kids grow you need to tell them how to express their feelings.
Anyone older than two years will understand some expressions like "hello", "thank you and "how are you".
If you teach your kid these things then at least they will have a way to start the conversation.
The scene changes drastically when the kids enter the preschool and they start forming friendships of their won without any help from you.
At the school make sure that teachers involve kids in variety of projects which will help them get into habit of talking to other fellow students.
School and teachers play a big part as they are able to use that setting where parents are not there to help as an advantage to get the kid out of shell and protective environment.
Later on in life there will be various places where the kids may need your help but largely they will be able to do on their own.
The initial hesitation is all gone because of the social fabric training in the initial years.
As always there will be kids who will still be left out.
It is based on the kid's nature and the family influences.
Some kids will need more support throughout and some will never.
So it is really up to the parents to develop their child into a good social being and it will surely lay a good foundation for future years.