Organic Bug Killer for Plants
- Making a natural bug killer from available sources is usually a simple matter of following a recipe. Making that same bug killer organically requires nothing more than organic ingredients for the recipe. The plant experts at Golden Harvest Organics provide three traditional bug killer recipes that are easily made organically.
- Here is an organic variation of a good fleabane bug treatment for plants provided by GHO. This insect treatment is reported to work as a general-purpose treatment safe for most plants and harmful to most bugs; it has been used by growers for many years with good results.
Take 1 cup organic great fleabane--Inula conyza--leaves and roots. Bring 4 cups filtered water--tap water is not organic--to boil and pour over the fleabane mixture. Cover and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain the loose mixture from the liquid. Mix liquid with 1/4 tsp. organic pure soap such as an organic castile soap. Spray plants with this mixture. - Try an organic version of a traditional pepper dusting bug treatment. This treatment is also safe for most plants and harmful to most bugs. The GHO experts suggest using different peppers or herbs containing a chemical called capasaicin that most bugs find irritating.
Try organic cayenne, organic chili, organic dill, organic paprika, organic red pepper or organic black pepper. Dust moist plants and surrounding soil lightly to deter insects. - A traditional pepper spray treatment may be made organically. This treatment also makes use of natural capasaicin occurring in peppers. Keep this solution away from your face and eyes at all times.
Finely chop or grind organic hot peppers to obtain 1/2 cup. Mix with 1 pint of filtered water. Let the mixture sit for 24 hours. Use this mixture as is as a soil drench. For plant application, strain the mixture through cheesecloth until only a clear liquid remains. Add a few drops of organic pure soap such as castile soap. Spray liquid directly on plants. - It is wise for a grower to ensure a plant will avoid harm if sprayed or dusted with a bug killer. Spray one plant separate from the others and wait 24 hours to see if the solution causes any harmful effects to the plant before treating an entire plot.
Organic Bug Killers
Organic Great Fleabane Treatment
Organic Pepper and Herb Dusts
Organic Pepper Spray
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