Summer Flounder Fishing Tips
- Flounder is important to commercial and recreational market image by AGITA LEIMANE from
Summer flounder is one of the most heavily fished species on the East Coast. It is easy to catch, and available to pier and shore fishermen as well as boaters. There is no need for special tackle or a high level of expertise. One of the bests baits for flounder can be purchased at most grocery stores. - Pier fishermen should keep their baits moving.Fisherman on a pier image by itsallgood from
Keep your bait near the bottom, but not on the bottom. Summer flounder, usually called just flounder, is a weird character with both eyes on the same side of its head. It spends most of its time on the bottom, striking at the food that passes above it.
Flounders are sight feeders. Shore and pier fishermen need to keep their baits moving. Try jigging strips of squid or bull minnows around pier pilings. The best action will come during the first few hours of the rising tide.
A small, live spot is an excellent bait. Strips of spot or similar fish also work. Hook the spot behind the dorsal fin. That forces it to swim up, keeping it away from the bottom. - Flounder is disguised and ready for business.flounder image by Christian Schoettler from
Use enough weight to bounce and tick along the bottom. Gently pump the rod; you'll feel the weight strike bottom. This tactic works for drifting and slow trolling.
In early morning and late afternoon concentrate on shoals, bridge pilings, the edge of grass beds, and any underwater structure that attracts baitfish. Fish deeper ledges and holes during the day, especially on days with bright sun and blue sky.
Don't worry about setting the hook. The fish will hook themselves. Nor should you expect a slamming strike. You'll know the fish is there when it starts tugging. - Relax and fish from a canoe.Angeln in Schweden image by Traveler from
Fishing tidal tributaries and inlets from canoe or kayak is a relaxing way to spend a day on the water. Take along small hooks so you can catch your own bait before moving to the deeper flounder holes. You won't need heavy gear for this. Use any level wind or spinning reel spooled with 15 pound test line and a 6 to 7 foot rod.
Bait Techniques
Boating and Drift Fishing
Small Craft