Tammy Gets an Implant - The Operation
Updated June 08, 2015.
The surgical procedures were successful and we will soon see the results of the surgery during her activation and post-op checkup appointment.
Ten days into recovery Tammy walks around by herself, helpsg prepare dinner and takes showers by herself. She still finds it hard to get around because of the dizziness which comes and goes and she still experiences pain in and around her ear.
(Tammy Gets an Implant Serial)
The surgical procedures were successful and we will soon see the results of the surgery during her activation and post-op checkup appointment.
Ten days into recovery Tammy walks around by herself, helpsg prepare dinner and takes showers by herself. She still finds it hard to get around because of the dizziness which comes and goes and she still experiences pain in and around her ear.
Post-Op Checkup
Tammy will have a post-op checkup and her Cochlear Implant will be activated for the first time on August 11th and 12th.(Tammy Gets an Implant Serial)