How to Seam Vinyl Sheet Flooring
- 1). Install the first section of vinyl, taking care to spread the adhesive completely on the outside edges.
- 2). Roll out the second piece of vinyl, matching any pattern with the pattern of the first piece to ensure the integrity of the pattern.
- 3). Trim any areas as needed, such as doorways and walls on the second piece of vinyl before re-rolling the sheet prior to actual installation.
- 4). Apply the adhesive to the floor and install the second piece, again taking care to match the pattern exactly with the first piece.
- 5). Roll the floor with an approved floor roller, as per manufacturer's installation instructions. Take care to roll the seamed area so that the adhesive will be spread uniformly beneath the edges where the two pieces meet. Allow the floor adhesive to dry completely as per manufacturer's directions.
- 1). Clean the vinyl flooring seam, using seam cleaner and a cloth applicator from the Seam Sealer Kit. Work in 8-inch lengths, rubbing the seam vigorously in a back-and-forth motion to remove any dust or adhesive from the seam edges and adding more seam cleaner when the cloth dries out.
- 2). Allow the seam cleaner to dry ten minutes. There will be a white residue where the excess cleaner has dried; buff the residue off with a clean, dry cloth.
- 3). Cut a 1/32-inch opening in the tip of the seam sealer applicator bottle.
- 4). Apply a uniform 1/8-inch bead of seam sealer to the seam, taking care to work in a straight continuous line along the seam. Allow to dry completely before using floor; typically this will be 2 to 3 hours.
Seaming the Floor
Sealing the Seam