How to Transport a Casket to a Grave Site
- 1). Hire a hearse to transport the casket following the ceremonies. Get recommendations for a hearse driver from the funeral home, or search the classifieds for a reputable driver.
- 2). Clear an aisle or a pathway after the ceremony for the pallbearers to proceed with the casket.
- 3). Line up six or more pallbearers, half on each side of the casket. The pallbearers should grip the carrying bar on the side of the casket and lift the casket in unison on a count of three. If no carrying bar exists, grip the casket from the bottom.
- 4). Hoist the casket to rest at shoulder level. Facing forward, slowly descend any stairs in unison and proceed along the cleared path toward the building exit. The funeral attendees should follow behind the pallbearers.
- 5). Proceed toward the hearse. If the grave site is located on the premises, walk the casket toward the burial plot.
- 6). Slide the casket into the rear of the hearse, carefully resting the front of the casket on the bed and pushing the casket inside. Secure the casket using straps and slip guards.
- 7). Assemble the pallbearers in front of the hearse at the grave site, and carefully remove the casket from the hearse by sliding and hoisting back to shoulder level. Slowly walk the casket to the burial plot. Straddle the burial pulley with the casket, and carefully rest the casket on the pulley.