Fun Bathroom Decor
- Borders commonly go along the top of the walls where the walls meet the ceiling, but you can have some fun with borders and put them around your bathroom at any point on your walls. You could put a border halfway up the walls and have one color above the border and a different color below it. Try using different methods to create the border. Paint flowers, use pieces of wallpaper, buy a preprinted border wallpaper you like or put up magazine photos.
- If your family has a favorite movie, cartoon character, sports team or television show, then you have the makings for an interesting bathroom theme. For example, if your family is a fan of the Superman character, paint the bathroom in a Superman color scheme and purchase bathroom accessories with the Superman logo on them. Your family will love heading into the bathroom and seeing a huge Superman logo on the bathroom wall and shower curtain. You could take this theme to extremes by looking for theme toilet paper, bath towels and lighting fixtures.
- It would be fun if stepping into your bathroom meant stepping back in time. Old-fashioned fixtures such as the full bathtub, toilet with the box and pull chain and real wood wall paneling can help create a retro bathroom. You can go the extra step by decorating it with pictures of old movie stars and putting an older-looking linoleum floor down as well. Don't forget the pedestal sink without the vanity cabinet to give the full effect.
- Rather than going with a consistent theme or color scheme, you can have each person in the family choose what they would like to see in the bathroom and decorate it that way. Dad may want to see the walls painted blue, mom may choose a flower pattern border and the kids may want images of animals and rainbows painted on the walls and cabinets. Give each person in the family a say in how to decorate the bathroom, and then create a bathroom decor that is truly unique to your home.
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