Itching & Skin Disorders in Chihuahuas
- One of the most serious skin conditions that affects Chihuahuas is demodicosis, or demodectic mite infestation, also known as red mange. Other conditions include color dilution alopecia and pattern baldness, according to the Canine Inherited Disorders Database.
- Demodicosis causes scaly lesions and hair loss. Pattern baldness is characterized by a slow, gradual thinning of hair until the affected area is bald. A dog with color dilution alopecia gradually loses its hair across the body. Demodicosis is treated with a mitaban solution. Color dilution alopecia and pattern baldness are not curable, but they rarely affect the dog's general health.
- According to Pet Education, there are many other skin conditions that affect Chihuahuas as well as other breeds. Rabbit fur mange and sarcoptic mange both cause itching and hair loss. Treat rabbit fur mange with pyrethrin and sarcoptic mange with mitaban or ivermectin. Flea bite allergies cause intense itching and redness. Controlling the flea infestation will get rid of this problem. Finally, ringworm, which is eradicated with miconazole, is characterized by mild itching and hair loss.
Effects and Treatment
Other Conditions