Dispel the Myths and React to the Reality of Penis Enlargement - Then Learn Why Naturally
There are so many myths about penis enlargement, largely caused by the fact that most men don't feel comfortable talking in the open about it.
As a result, information either comes from biased persuasive adverts on the internet, or a method of Chinese whispers as men pass on urban myths about which enlargement methods work and which ones don't.
Having experienced so many different types of enlargement myths myself, I want to be able to dispel the myths once and for all, so that you are in full control of the knowledge that you have.
Therefore, when you understand the reality of enlargement, you can make an informed and sensible decision as to which one to use and which ones should be avoided at all costs...
The myths There are many enlargement methods that give you false hope and false promises - I am specifically thinking of products such as extenders or pumps, or pills or creams.
The problem with these methods is that they ignore the reality of using them; and the fact that they can be extremely harmful.
When I used an extender, I ended up with a burst blood vessel in my penis.
I know men who have used creams who ended up with red raw skin on the penis that was so painful they couldn't touch it.
The truth is that any method that asks you to increase your size artificially puts you at an extremely high risk of a medical problem.
The reality The reality of penis enlargement is that there is only one method that can add inches onto your size safely, and which actually works.
That is because natural enlargement uses the same growth ability that your body used itself when you were experiencing your massive penis growth during puberty.
This growth took place due to the presence of biochemicals in your body, which completed a chain reaction inside you, leading to growth.
As you get older, and the biochemicals are depleted, the chain loses the vital link that it requires for you to grow.
By putting the biochemicals back in your body, you replace the missing link, and your penis starts growing all over again.
Putting the reality into practice All you need to be aware of is the fact that a good natural enlargement system shows you how to replace the biochemicals to reform the chain.
Then your penis will start to grow safely and permanently!
As a result, information either comes from biased persuasive adverts on the internet, or a method of Chinese whispers as men pass on urban myths about which enlargement methods work and which ones don't.
Having experienced so many different types of enlargement myths myself, I want to be able to dispel the myths once and for all, so that you are in full control of the knowledge that you have.
Therefore, when you understand the reality of enlargement, you can make an informed and sensible decision as to which one to use and which ones should be avoided at all costs...
The myths There are many enlargement methods that give you false hope and false promises - I am specifically thinking of products such as extenders or pumps, or pills or creams.
The problem with these methods is that they ignore the reality of using them; and the fact that they can be extremely harmful.
When I used an extender, I ended up with a burst blood vessel in my penis.
I know men who have used creams who ended up with red raw skin on the penis that was so painful they couldn't touch it.
The truth is that any method that asks you to increase your size artificially puts you at an extremely high risk of a medical problem.
The reality The reality of penis enlargement is that there is only one method that can add inches onto your size safely, and which actually works.
That is because natural enlargement uses the same growth ability that your body used itself when you were experiencing your massive penis growth during puberty.
This growth took place due to the presence of biochemicals in your body, which completed a chain reaction inside you, leading to growth.
As you get older, and the biochemicals are depleted, the chain loses the vital link that it requires for you to grow.
By putting the biochemicals back in your body, you replace the missing link, and your penis starts growing all over again.
Putting the reality into practice All you need to be aware of is the fact that a good natural enlargement system shows you how to replace the biochemicals to reform the chain.
Then your penis will start to grow safely and permanently!