Do it Yourself: Brake Lines
- 1). Raise the car up with two car jacks, and take off the wheel to gain access to the brake hose.
- 2). Spray the lubricant on the brake hose and on any parts that appear rusty. Allow the lubricant to soak in.
- 3). Unscrew all fittings and bolts with the line wrench and second wrench. You may have to use both in opposite twisting motions to remove some of the fittings. Be sure to cap off brake lines to prevent brake fluid from leaking out.
- 4). Detach the hose by taking off the clips and fasteners holding it in place.
- 5). Put in the new brake hose and screw all the fittings, clips and bolts back on with the wrenches. If any brake fluid leaked out, pour in more. Use the brake parts cleaner to get all of the grease and other buildup out of the hoses and disc surface.
- 6). Finish reattaching all removed clips and parts, then test the brakes in a safe, secluded area before driving the car in traffic.