10 Reasons Why Adam Was Not Lucky in Marriage
When God created the first man, Adam, He kept him in a garden to keep it. Adam was not troubled as a result of lack of food, water, shelter or the likes, because God made adequate provision of all things to suit his demands. He was also put in charge of all the other animal life on earth. He was to live and work in the garden God had planted in Eden, and enjoy its fruits. Only the fruit of one tree was forbidden him - the 'tree that gives knowledge of what is good and what is bad'.
God never intended the man to live alone. He made Eve - the woman - to share his life. Tempted by the thought of being wise like God, Eve took the fruit, and she and Adam both ate it. Knowing they had done wrong, Adam and Eve tried to hide from God. Their friendship with him was spoilt. Because they disobeyed God, from that day to this the whole created world has felt the effects. And every life has ended in death. Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden. They had children. But their family brought them pain as well as joy.
However, looking into the marriage of Adam, the first man, there is the possibility of seeing success. It has been seen as a marriage that is void of cheating and troubles or replete with cheating and troubles, no matter the angle you are looking at it. Considering that claim, I quickly looked into what might have caused such a successful or unsuccessful marriage, even though some of the seeds of the marriage were different and controversial. The following may be of great help.
1. Adam was the only man, so Eve never set her eyes on another, making it impossible for her to compare Adam with another man. Had she set her eyes on another man, she could have had the opportunity of making a choice, or comparing her marriage to Adam with the man she could have married. So, Adam got married first and THEN lived together with his wife!
2. Adam had no in-laws to contend with, and so all his attention was on his wife and his God. He got married before television, before drugs: penicillin, polio shots, and the Pill!
3. There was no Jones for him to keep up with, because he got married before radar, credit cards, split atoms, lazer beams, and ball point pens, before pantyhose, or dishwashers, clothes dryers, electric blankets, air conditioners, drip-dry clothes, and before man walked on the moon.
4. Adam got married when there were no recharge cards to buy for Eve or fast food joints to take Eve to. He certainly got married before house-husbands, gay rights, computer dating, dual careers, and computer marriages. He got married before day-care centers, group therapy and nursing homes.
5. He didn't pay bride prize or spend money on an expensive wedding. He got married before FM Radio, tape decks, electric typewriters, artificial hearts, word processors, yogurt and guys wearing ear-rings.
6. Adam got away with wearing a birthday suit. He certainly got married before the difference between the sexes was discovered. He made do with what they could get from the Garden of Eden; but his marriage began the generation that cares less that one needed a husband to have a baby!
7. He married a virgin, who has never given out a free kiss, no matter how platonic. For him and Eve, time-sharing meant togetherness - not computers or condominiums; a "chip" was a piece of wood in the Garden of Eden; hardware meant hardware, and software wasn't even a word!
8. If he had gone "bald" or broke, who would have known it wasn't normal?
9. There were no "standard weight and height" tables and the word "fat" meant good.
10. When God asked "Adam, where are you?" he replied, "The woman you gave me was reading the Map". Eve was really the pilot of the home!
God never intended the man to live alone. He made Eve - the woman - to share his life. Tempted by the thought of being wise like God, Eve took the fruit, and she and Adam both ate it. Knowing they had done wrong, Adam and Eve tried to hide from God. Their friendship with him was spoilt. Because they disobeyed God, from that day to this the whole created world has felt the effects. And every life has ended in death. Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden. They had children. But their family brought them pain as well as joy.
However, looking into the marriage of Adam, the first man, there is the possibility of seeing success. It has been seen as a marriage that is void of cheating and troubles or replete with cheating and troubles, no matter the angle you are looking at it. Considering that claim, I quickly looked into what might have caused such a successful or unsuccessful marriage, even though some of the seeds of the marriage were different and controversial. The following may be of great help.
1. Adam was the only man, so Eve never set her eyes on another, making it impossible for her to compare Adam with another man. Had she set her eyes on another man, she could have had the opportunity of making a choice, or comparing her marriage to Adam with the man she could have married. So, Adam got married first and THEN lived together with his wife!
2. Adam had no in-laws to contend with, and so all his attention was on his wife and his God. He got married before television, before drugs: penicillin, polio shots, and the Pill!
3. There was no Jones for him to keep up with, because he got married before radar, credit cards, split atoms, lazer beams, and ball point pens, before pantyhose, or dishwashers, clothes dryers, electric blankets, air conditioners, drip-dry clothes, and before man walked on the moon.
4. Adam got married when there were no recharge cards to buy for Eve or fast food joints to take Eve to. He certainly got married before house-husbands, gay rights, computer dating, dual careers, and computer marriages. He got married before day-care centers, group therapy and nursing homes.
5. He didn't pay bride prize or spend money on an expensive wedding. He got married before FM Radio, tape decks, electric typewriters, artificial hearts, word processors, yogurt and guys wearing ear-rings.
6. Adam got away with wearing a birthday suit. He certainly got married before the difference between the sexes was discovered. He made do with what they could get from the Garden of Eden; but his marriage began the generation that cares less that one needed a husband to have a baby!
7. He married a virgin, who has never given out a free kiss, no matter how platonic. For him and Eve, time-sharing meant togetherness - not computers or condominiums; a "chip" was a piece of wood in the Garden of Eden; hardware meant hardware, and software wasn't even a word!
8. If he had gone "bald" or broke, who would have known it wasn't normal?
9. There were no "standard weight and height" tables and the word "fat" meant good.
10. When God asked "Adam, where are you?" he replied, "The woman you gave me was reading the Map". Eve was really the pilot of the home!