What to Do About Premature Ejaculation
Are you crying that you simply cannot satisfy your girlfriend? Are you sorry that all your little friends go about before you can actually touch her? Do you feel down because your x-girlfriend left you because of your past love life?
Now, of course you are. And you will probably continue to feel down since you do not want to do something about this problem. Oh, I see, you are one of those people that do not consider it a problem, and expect it to go away in time. Well, let me shade some light on this - the problem will only go away when you will tend to it, and then maybe it will calm down. Nobody likes to be dissatisfied for a long period, no matter if it is a woman, or a man. Therefore, if you simple go off before you even managed to touch her, you can guess how annoying this is for her at all times - just imagine how silly it would be for you to be all excited there, and she dozing off immediately after climbing on you being too tired for all that (the hard part is when she really does that, but that is not our concern for the moment).
Obviously, this is not the most comfortable reality you have been put face to face with - however, what can I say, you should know the truth not simply hide behind it. Of course you are down that you cannot satisfy yourself or your girlfriend right - obviously none of you feels any satisfaction when you go off like a sprinkle in the worst possible time of the act - before the actual beginning. In spite of what some men might think - this is quite treatable. It is not a physical problem, therefore often it might be harder to cure than a physical one, simply because it involves the mind, however, this does not mean that you cannot overcome it. Actually, the problem comes at a younger age when boys reach their puberty and form some reflexes. These reflexes will be learn t by the mind, and they will be applied in similar situations - for example, when you are in bed with your girlfriend or your fiancee.
The feelings of every youngster are quite different and strong compared to the sensations of an older individual. This is the reason for which with time this problem may fade out - however, you will need about two lives two actually feel satisfied based on this type of judgment. You are often the main problem because you are too afraid to call for help - you feel as if someone will laugh at you for this - OK, so you formed some reflexes and now your mind answers to them - so what? Mainly, this is how we are formed, and who laughs simply has the IQ of a plant. Do something about it and you will surely get rid of your problem soon.
Now, of course you are. And you will probably continue to feel down since you do not want to do something about this problem. Oh, I see, you are one of those people that do not consider it a problem, and expect it to go away in time. Well, let me shade some light on this - the problem will only go away when you will tend to it, and then maybe it will calm down. Nobody likes to be dissatisfied for a long period, no matter if it is a woman, or a man. Therefore, if you simple go off before you even managed to touch her, you can guess how annoying this is for her at all times - just imagine how silly it would be for you to be all excited there, and she dozing off immediately after climbing on you being too tired for all that (the hard part is when she really does that, but that is not our concern for the moment).
Obviously, this is not the most comfortable reality you have been put face to face with - however, what can I say, you should know the truth not simply hide behind it. Of course you are down that you cannot satisfy yourself or your girlfriend right - obviously none of you feels any satisfaction when you go off like a sprinkle in the worst possible time of the act - before the actual beginning. In spite of what some men might think - this is quite treatable. It is not a physical problem, therefore often it might be harder to cure than a physical one, simply because it involves the mind, however, this does not mean that you cannot overcome it. Actually, the problem comes at a younger age when boys reach their puberty and form some reflexes. These reflexes will be learn t by the mind, and they will be applied in similar situations - for example, when you are in bed with your girlfriend or your fiancee.
The feelings of every youngster are quite different and strong compared to the sensations of an older individual. This is the reason for which with time this problem may fade out - however, you will need about two lives two actually feel satisfied based on this type of judgment. You are often the main problem because you are too afraid to call for help - you feel as if someone will laugh at you for this - OK, so you formed some reflexes and now your mind answers to them - so what? Mainly, this is how we are formed, and who laughs simply has the IQ of a plant. Do something about it and you will surely get rid of your problem soon.