Senior Vacations That Lead Off the Beaten Path Literally
Retirement gives you ample time to travel, and seniors take full advantage of that.
There are cruises for seniors, senior deals at hotels, and even trips for seniors that include bungee jumping that are only for 50 and over! Trips for seniors can be extreme or relaxed, planned or spur of the moment.
Another aspect of senior vacations that has yet to be fully utilized is local walking tours.
Local walking tour groups are a great way to meet local folks and experience a part of a foreign country - or area of the US you are not familiar with - that is not highlighted in big tour groups or guide books.
Most participants are over the age of 50.
These walking clubs can be found throughout the US and in walking-friendly European countries like England, France and Germany.
So what are the perks of signing up for one of these semi-private (and totally local) walking guide tours? * They're usually free, or just a few dollars * The guide is a volunteer so they're extremely passionate and willing to help * These tours aren't well advertised (although some have websites) so you get a very individualized tour * Never the same tour twice...
these guides point out things as they see them with no planned itinerary, just a planned route * The routes are planned before hand and almost always flat * Almost all the participants are over 50 * They're flexible! You can plan for them (by using tourist offices or local newspapers) or just find one that is touring around your location Many groups walk around a seashore or water area, work their way inland, have special spots to rest and eat, then return to the location where the walk started.
These trails are off the beaten path...
trails only locals know about and that aren't greatly publicized.
For more information on walking groups, here are some examples for great senior vacations: * The American Volkssport Association - 2 hour walking tours throughout the United States * The Ramblers - Covers Scotland, England and Wales with a website database of scheduled walks * The European Ramblers Association - covers 26 European countries walking tours Always make sure that before you plan on a walking tour that you can physically take it.
Call ahead of time to figure out the difficulty level of the tours going on that day.
Bring plenty of water, and if you feel faint, take time to sit down!
There are cruises for seniors, senior deals at hotels, and even trips for seniors that include bungee jumping that are only for 50 and over! Trips for seniors can be extreme or relaxed, planned or spur of the moment.
Another aspect of senior vacations that has yet to be fully utilized is local walking tours.
Local walking tour groups are a great way to meet local folks and experience a part of a foreign country - or area of the US you are not familiar with - that is not highlighted in big tour groups or guide books.
Most participants are over the age of 50.
These walking clubs can be found throughout the US and in walking-friendly European countries like England, France and Germany.
So what are the perks of signing up for one of these semi-private (and totally local) walking guide tours? * They're usually free, or just a few dollars * The guide is a volunteer so they're extremely passionate and willing to help * These tours aren't well advertised (although some have websites) so you get a very individualized tour * Never the same tour twice...
these guides point out things as they see them with no planned itinerary, just a planned route * The routes are planned before hand and almost always flat * Almost all the participants are over 50 * They're flexible! You can plan for them (by using tourist offices or local newspapers) or just find one that is touring around your location Many groups walk around a seashore or water area, work their way inland, have special spots to rest and eat, then return to the location where the walk started.
These trails are off the beaten path...
trails only locals know about and that aren't greatly publicized.
For more information on walking groups, here are some examples for great senior vacations: * The American Volkssport Association - 2 hour walking tours throughout the United States * The Ramblers - Covers Scotland, England and Wales with a website database of scheduled walks * The European Ramblers Association - covers 26 European countries walking tours Always make sure that before you plan on a walking tour that you can physically take it.
Call ahead of time to figure out the difficulty level of the tours going on that day.
Bring plenty of water, and if you feel faint, take time to sit down!