Definition: Noun. Refers to the posture of female cats in estrus: head down, forelegs bent, rear quarters raised to expose the perineum, with the tail raised and held to the side of the body (to accomodate entry by a willing male). Her rear legs will tread rhythmically, as if walking in place. Lordosis will often be accompanied by loud "calling."
Pronunciation: lord-oh-sis
Examples: Lordosis is a sure indication that your female cat is in estrus.
Unless you are a knowledgeable breeder of pedigreed cats, she should be spayed, for her health, and your peace of mind.
Pronunciation: lord-oh-sis
Examples: Lordosis is a sure indication that your female cat is in estrus.
Unless you are a knowledgeable breeder of pedigreed cats, she should be spayed, for her health, and your peace of mind.