What Are Medium Chain Triglycerides?
- Triglycerides are a form of fat found in food and in the body. There are four main types of triglycerides: long-chain fatty acids, very long-chain fatty acids, medium-chain fatty acids and short-chain fatty acids. Long-chain triglycerides contain 16-24 carbon atoms. Medium-chain triglycerides contain 8-12 carbons. Short-chain fatty acids contain less than 8 carbon atoms. Very long-chain triglycerides contain over 24 carbon atoms. Most common fats and oils contain long-chain fatty acids.
- In addition to consuming foods containing fatty acids, the liver can make triglycerides out of other food energy sources. If more triglycerides are consumed than the body can use, they are stored as fat to be used at a later time. After a person eats, the triglycerides from the food will combine with proteins in the body. These proteins are called lipoproteins. Lipoproteins contain cholesterol and are classified as high-density or low-density lipoproteins. The digestive system has to work harder to store the long chain triglycerides than medium chain triglycerides.
- Mediu- chain triglycerides are a naturally occurring fat found in coconut oil, butter and palm oil. They are more water-soluble than the two long-chained types of triglycerides and are able to be used quickly by the body as an energy source. Long-chain triglycerides and very long-chained triglycerides require the action of pancreatic enzymes and bile salts for digestion. They need to be transported into the blood stream from the intestine via a part of the lymphatic system called the intestinal lacteals. Due to their smaller carbon chains, medium chain triglycerides can be absorbed directly by the wall of the small intestine.
- Some people are unable to digest long chain fatty acids. People with pancreatic, liver or intestinal diseases may be unable to digest these more complex triglycerides. Since medium chain triglycerides can be digested by absorption across the intestinal wall they are important energy sources for these individuals. Dietitians can formulate diets in which medium-chain triglycerides are the main or only source of fatty acids.
- Athletes also use medium-chain triglycerides to enhance their performance and for energy. Medium-chain triglycerides are easily transported into mitochondria, the powerhouse of the body cells. This gives the mitochondria a ready source of quick energy. However, use of medium-chain triglycerides can lead to stomach irritation and nausea. It is best to introduce them slowly into the diet, preferably taking with other foods, if using medium-chain triglycerides as a dietary supplement.
Use in Disease
Use in Athletes