How to Make a Ziggurat Out of Popcorn
- 1). Combine butter, sugar and corn syrup in the bowl section of the double boiler. Bring the ingredients to a boil over medium-high heat. Stir constantly.
- 2). Add milk and continue to boil the mixture. Continue to stir constantly. Stir vanilla extract into the pot and remove it from the heat.
- 3). Add five quarts of popped popcorn to the mixture and stir to coat all of the pieces.
- 4). Line a baking pan with waxed paper. Fit a brownie divider on top of the paper. Put on gloves and press the warm popcorn into the baking pan firmly. Cover lightly with wax paper. Set aside for one to two hours until cool to the touch but pliant.
- 5). Remove the brownie divider. Flip pan over and pat the bottom to loosen the squares. Lift the squares out with a knife or spatula.
- 1). Cut a square of cardboard the length and width of four popcorn squares.
- 2). Place 16 squares on the cardboard in a single layer.
- 3). Place a second layer of squares on the cardboard. Use a sharp knife to trim off one inch from all sides of the second layer of squares, forming a taper.
- 4). Stack a third layer of squares on top of the first two. Use a sharp knife to trim one inch from the third layer, compared to the second layer. Continue to repeat this process to taper the zigurrat until it is at the desired height.
- 5). Use the trimmed scraps to make a long ramp or additional structures.
Building Blocks
Build a Ziggurat