How to Build Big Arms Fast With These Tips
Are you finding it really hard to find tips on how to build big arms fast? Everyone knows the arms are the showcase muscles for a male, I bet when your asked to show your muscles you raise your arm and flex it.
The thing that annoys me and you the most is sifting through all the internet junk on how to build big arms, a lot of marketers would rather scam you to earn easy money than actually help you out.
Below is the dead honest information if you want to build arm muscles fast: Here is a fact you need to know; the arm consists of the bicep and the triceps, the bicep takes up one third of the arm and the triceps take up the other two thirds.
I have seen many people who overwork their bicep when they should be training their bicep and triceps equally to gain maximum results.
What is the right repetition range? Well, research has proven that doing reps in the range of 10-12 will provide for the best arm growth, using both fast and slow twitch.
You can also shock your muscles into growth with high and slow reps.
You should also try different training plans each week if you want to build big arms fast.
Incorporate these: 1.
Super Sets - Back to back exercises with no rest in between.
Drop Sets - Complete an exercise with a certain weight and once you can not do anymore you lower the weight and continue.
These exercises force massive growth.
You should only train your arms once a week on a certain day and finish off the training session with a protein shake.
If you don't know the correct methods it can take years to get big arms.
There are certain techniques you can use to get big arms that allow you to add 2 inches in 1-2 months.
The thing that annoys me and you the most is sifting through all the internet junk on how to build big arms, a lot of marketers would rather scam you to earn easy money than actually help you out.
Below is the dead honest information if you want to build arm muscles fast: Here is a fact you need to know; the arm consists of the bicep and the triceps, the bicep takes up one third of the arm and the triceps take up the other two thirds.
I have seen many people who overwork their bicep when they should be training their bicep and triceps equally to gain maximum results.
What is the right repetition range? Well, research has proven that doing reps in the range of 10-12 will provide for the best arm growth, using both fast and slow twitch.
You can also shock your muscles into growth with high and slow reps.
You should also try different training plans each week if you want to build big arms fast.
Incorporate these: 1.
Super Sets - Back to back exercises with no rest in between.
Drop Sets - Complete an exercise with a certain weight and once you can not do anymore you lower the weight and continue.
These exercises force massive growth.
You should only train your arms once a week on a certain day and finish off the training session with a protein shake.
If you don't know the correct methods it can take years to get big arms.
There are certain techniques you can use to get big arms that allow you to add 2 inches in 1-2 months.