Plants That Can Be Grown in Pots
- There is a wide variety of containers for plants that can be grown in pots.Flower pot image by Pupurup from
Container gardening is a great idea for a variety of people, including elderly people who like to garden, those with limited space, and those who change garden design plans from year to year. Many gardener favorites do well in pots. - The haldberd-leaved rose mallow, or Hibiscus laevis, grows to six feet high. Its leaves are lobed and sharp-toothed. The flowers of this plant bloom pink or white and are cup-shaped. The flower stays open during the day and shuts during the evening. Blooms begin in May and last through November. Plant a halberd-leaved rose mallow in moist soil with sun or partial shade, and propagate them from seeds collected in the summer collected.
- The yellow stonecrop, or Sedum nuttallianum, grows two to four inches high and is covered with tiny yellow flowers. It is a succulent with small fleshy leaves and blooms that open April through July. Plant stonecrop in full sun with deep sandy or clay soils.
- The garden verbena, or Verbena x hybrida, is a fragrant perennial typically grown as an annual. The size, color and shape of the plant is dependent on the cultivar selected. Its flowers grow in clusters. Plant garden verbena in full sun. Soil should be well-drained and fertile, and watering regular. Propagate via spring or fall seeding, stem cuttings, or division.
- The Shasta daisy, or Leucanthemum x superbum, is a perennial that makes a great cut flower. It grows two to three feet high and 18 inches wide. Ray flowers are white and bloom from summer to fall. Glossy dark green leaves grow eight to 12 inches long. Plant a Shasta daisy in well-drained non-acidic soil with full sun for zones five through seven and partial shade for zones eight and nine. Propagate via division or by seed. Division should occur in winter or spring.
Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow
Yellow Stonecrop
Garden Verbena
Shasta Daisy