Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord
“Not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit saith the Lord”
Your energy, self-willed and propelled forward, is now slacking. You are tired and weary. You are losing heart very quickly. You demand quick results to tasks that you make-up from your own spirits or deceiving spirits. Any love you have for Me has become lukewarm. You question my timing. You do not wait; you are bothered when men say you should do this or that. They question your validity of your faith because of what men say. Your fear of losing face with man is greater than the Fear of the Lord.
I tell you the truth, you will lose everything if you do not do as I ask, yes at times demand and command you. I am the Head of Heavens Armies. I know your enemy. You are blinded by the flattering of the enemy. Your human flesh, ego waiting as a spoilt child to be coddled softly.
Your faith in man is hot and fervent but not only are you lukewarm towards Me, but your hearts are becoming more and more calloused over with bitterness and frustration of My plans for your life. Your love for Me is growing cold as I ask you to wait on Me. For some I ask only days for others it is much longer. It is for your good I do this.
If you walk out on the frontline before I command you, I tell you the truth it will bring death.
Wait upon the Lord. Yet, I say this knowing your hearts have completely turned to stone and your first love is man and his appeal to your ego is very great.
Who will walk this bitter earthly path looking unto the Father for every single need?
You cannot bear to lose what you have gained in this life. Any reputation you have gained in this life is founded upon lies. It will not stand.
Who will stand for the Truth? I desire truth in the innermost parts of your heart towards Me. I desire truth and love to walk hand in hand, faith and deeds worked and pruned by My Word which is Truth.
As in the days of Noah there will be much marrying, partying, laughing and enjoying the pleasures of this life. But I, Jesus, will come just as suddenly as the floods came in Noah’s time. Will I find you doing as I asked or will you be building on sand, on lies? Am I the Cornerstone?
Take the mask around from your heart in repentance and be truthful with Me. Do you have hatred in your heart? Bring it to me and I can mend you.
Do you have jealousy in your heart? Come to Me, I will fill you with love and show you that you have no need to be jealous of man and I can make you whole and I can share My heart with you, just for you without the need to look to others for your needs.
Do you hate Me? Yes I ask you do you hate God? For I know. I can take this and show you that despite this I love you and I can heal you of your past hurts where you have blamed Me. There is nothing I do not know.
Do you want revenge on someone who has betrayed you and mocked you and hurt you beyond all your reasoning? Bring these pains to Me for I bore such pains on the cross. I will take up your cause Myself in My way and My time. Do you trust Me to do this for you, for if you ask Me, if you humble yourself before Me I will take delight to bring healing and forgiveness and take up your hurts.
All matters of the heart I know already. I formed you, I saw you in your mother’s womb even though she rejected you. Both parents have rejected you but I am the One who gave you life. I saw your life and I breathed into you My Life. Come to Me. I will restore the years the locusts have eaten. I am the One who gives and takes away. There are seasons for sorrows and many have borne many seasons of sorrows. I am to release you into a time of freedom of My Joy. A joy of knowing Me. For I am all you need. For I am your Shepherd and you shall not be in want. For I am Life.
You do not need money or the things of this world. Their momentary joy is but a flicker but the Joy of the Lord is both your strength and will be eternal.
Come out of your hiding place for there is no place to hide from Me. Bring all your sins; bring all your woes and sufferings. I am full of mercy and truth. Know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Know Me, Jesus, for only I can set you free. I, Jesus know everything about every man, woman and child. I know all things. There is nothing that can shock Me. Come to Me in repentance and I will heal you and set you free from your sins and set you free from the stronghol
Your energy, self-willed and propelled forward, is now slacking. You are tired and weary. You are losing heart very quickly. You demand quick results to tasks that you make-up from your own spirits or deceiving spirits. Any love you have for Me has become lukewarm. You question my timing. You do not wait; you are bothered when men say you should do this or that. They question your validity of your faith because of what men say. Your fear of losing face with man is greater than the Fear of the Lord.
I tell you the truth, you will lose everything if you do not do as I ask, yes at times demand and command you. I am the Head of Heavens Armies. I know your enemy. You are blinded by the flattering of the enemy. Your human flesh, ego waiting as a spoilt child to be coddled softly.
Your faith in man is hot and fervent but not only are you lukewarm towards Me, but your hearts are becoming more and more calloused over with bitterness and frustration of My plans for your life. Your love for Me is growing cold as I ask you to wait on Me. For some I ask only days for others it is much longer. It is for your good I do this.
If you walk out on the frontline before I command you, I tell you the truth it will bring death.
Wait upon the Lord. Yet, I say this knowing your hearts have completely turned to stone and your first love is man and his appeal to your ego is very great.
Who will walk this bitter earthly path looking unto the Father for every single need?
You cannot bear to lose what you have gained in this life. Any reputation you have gained in this life is founded upon lies. It will not stand.
Who will stand for the Truth? I desire truth in the innermost parts of your heart towards Me. I desire truth and love to walk hand in hand, faith and deeds worked and pruned by My Word which is Truth.
As in the days of Noah there will be much marrying, partying, laughing and enjoying the pleasures of this life. But I, Jesus, will come just as suddenly as the floods came in Noah’s time. Will I find you doing as I asked or will you be building on sand, on lies? Am I the Cornerstone?
Take the mask around from your heart in repentance and be truthful with Me. Do you have hatred in your heart? Bring it to me and I can mend you.
Do you have jealousy in your heart? Come to Me, I will fill you with love and show you that you have no need to be jealous of man and I can make you whole and I can share My heart with you, just for you without the need to look to others for your needs.
Do you hate Me? Yes I ask you do you hate God? For I know. I can take this and show you that despite this I love you and I can heal you of your past hurts where you have blamed Me. There is nothing I do not know.
Do you want revenge on someone who has betrayed you and mocked you and hurt you beyond all your reasoning? Bring these pains to Me for I bore such pains on the cross. I will take up your cause Myself in My way and My time. Do you trust Me to do this for you, for if you ask Me, if you humble yourself before Me I will take delight to bring healing and forgiveness and take up your hurts.
All matters of the heart I know already. I formed you, I saw you in your mother’s womb even though she rejected you. Both parents have rejected you but I am the One who gave you life. I saw your life and I breathed into you My Life. Come to Me. I will restore the years the locusts have eaten. I am the One who gives and takes away. There are seasons for sorrows and many have borne many seasons of sorrows. I am to release you into a time of freedom of My Joy. A joy of knowing Me. For I am all you need. For I am your Shepherd and you shall not be in want. For I am Life.
You do not need money or the things of this world. Their momentary joy is but a flicker but the Joy of the Lord is both your strength and will be eternal.
Come out of your hiding place for there is no place to hide from Me. Bring all your sins; bring all your woes and sufferings. I am full of mercy and truth. Know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Know Me, Jesus, for only I can set you free. I, Jesus know everything about every man, woman and child. I know all things. There is nothing that can shock Me. Come to Me in repentance and I will heal you and set you free from your sins and set you free from the stronghol