John Bevere: Preparing the Way of the Lord
John Bevere is a man of God who has blessed my life as well as the body of Christ.
I recall before I went to Africa to work as a missionary during the summer of 1994, John prayed for me.
He encouraged me to access the very present Word of God continually proceeding from the mouth of the Father.
Often times it is easy as ministers to premeditate what we are going to say or do based upon past successes.
Yet our God is always imparting newness of life.
There is always a fresh word proceeding forth from the throne of God if we will take time to press in and hear it.
Preparing the way of the Lord is undoubtedly a mandate upon John.
Like John the Baptist, John Bevere has a grace from God to enter a place and purify a people for the Lord.
He passion and purity is contagious.
He is transparent and transformative in speech.
Most importantly he carries the presence of God that activates the processing of God in people's lives.
As one man said, "When John comes I repent for things I never did.
"That is to say the mantel that the man of God carries works a weight of glory upon the heart of man causing personal examination and scrutiny.
This is good and godly.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8).
Purity and pressing in to know God, activates His presence.
Where the holiness of God is found, His power is not far behind.
Pastor John greatly blessed the youth and young adults of Central Florida when he Pastored at Orlando Christian Center before Pastor Benny released him into his traveling ministry.
I recall during my Bible School days in California that John would always come for "clean up week," which was usually the first week of school.
Clean up week was a time when the Spirit of God would plow the fallow ground of our hearts, prepare us for Himself and propel us into His purposes.
We all need to be cleansed from sin and self.
The root of sin often times is ultimately self.
Only we can take up our cross and deny ourselves.
This requires a personal decision.
No amount of preaching, teaching or exhortation can cause one to yield to the inner working of the Lord.
Preaching, teaching and exhortation can however facilitate the working of the Spirit of the Lord in a person's heart where after they make a decision to turn from their wicked ways and obey.
As the coming of the Lord draws near, we must prepare ourselves to meet our Maker.
Jesus will come like a thief in the night when many don't expect His coming.
We therefore must be alert, cleansed and ready for our Lord.
Thank God for men such as John Bevere who are preaching the pure unadulterated word of God to prepare a people for Christ's coming.
I recall before I went to Africa to work as a missionary during the summer of 1994, John prayed for me.
He encouraged me to access the very present Word of God continually proceeding from the mouth of the Father.
Often times it is easy as ministers to premeditate what we are going to say or do based upon past successes.
Yet our God is always imparting newness of life.
There is always a fresh word proceeding forth from the throne of God if we will take time to press in and hear it.
Preparing the way of the Lord is undoubtedly a mandate upon John.
Like John the Baptist, John Bevere has a grace from God to enter a place and purify a people for the Lord.
He passion and purity is contagious.
He is transparent and transformative in speech.
Most importantly he carries the presence of God that activates the processing of God in people's lives.
As one man said, "When John comes I repent for things I never did.
"That is to say the mantel that the man of God carries works a weight of glory upon the heart of man causing personal examination and scrutiny.
This is good and godly.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8).
Purity and pressing in to know God, activates His presence.
Where the holiness of God is found, His power is not far behind.
Pastor John greatly blessed the youth and young adults of Central Florida when he Pastored at Orlando Christian Center before Pastor Benny released him into his traveling ministry.
I recall during my Bible School days in California that John would always come for "clean up week," which was usually the first week of school.
Clean up week was a time when the Spirit of God would plow the fallow ground of our hearts, prepare us for Himself and propel us into His purposes.
We all need to be cleansed from sin and self.
The root of sin often times is ultimately self.
Only we can take up our cross and deny ourselves.
This requires a personal decision.
No amount of preaching, teaching or exhortation can cause one to yield to the inner working of the Lord.
Preaching, teaching and exhortation can however facilitate the working of the Spirit of the Lord in a person's heart where after they make a decision to turn from their wicked ways and obey.
As the coming of the Lord draws near, we must prepare ourselves to meet our Maker.
Jesus will come like a thief in the night when many don't expect His coming.
We therefore must be alert, cleansed and ready for our Lord.
Thank God for men such as John Bevere who are preaching the pure unadulterated word of God to prepare a people for Christ's coming.