Ceramic Heaters and its Advantages
Like electric heaters use electricity as its medium, ceramic heaters use ceramic elements. These heaters consist of shut off sensors in case the unit tips over. Apart from the standard ceramic elements, they include heat sensitive elements which also help to turn off the unit in case of overheating.
Fan Aided Ceramic Heaters
Ceramic heaters come in models which do not have fans and also which are aided by fans. Fan aided models are prescribed for larger areas like halls. For smaller rooms like bedrooms, models which do not have the function of fans are recommended. As compared to fan assisted models, models without fans are less expensive but with time, fan aided models are considered cost effective.
Ceramic heaters have many advantages apart from the concept of 'clean heating' which is normally associated with it. Some important aspects through which ceramic heaters are advantageous are as follows.
Area of Operation
With the same capacity, ceramic heaters heat a larger area as compared to a standard radiant heater. Hence, larger area can be influenced in terms of heat with the help of a ceramic heater.
Portability Factors
Ceramic heaters are compact which assist their portability to a great extent. Its 'easy to move' feature makes it a worthy contender for every household.
Clean Heating
Unlike heating with fuels which produce emissions, ceramic heaters provide a clean type of heating devoid of toxic fumes. Hence, these heaters can be used in labs as well.
Cost Factors
Unlike some other electric heaters, ceramic heaters are better suited for heating single rooms hence the heat and cost utilization is enhanced (heating of empty rooms is avoided). This is the reason ceramic heaters are preferred by small households. Many ceramic heaters come with timers which also saves a lot of energy.
If ceramic heaters are used with the below sub-factors, it can work wonders
• You can insulate your house for better results.
• Close doors whenever and wherever applicable to avoid loss of heat.
• Same way, using thick curtains also prevents loss of heat thereby increasing the efficiency of ceramic heaters.
All things considered, ceramic heaters are better suited for families, small offices and cabins.
Fan Aided Ceramic Heaters
Ceramic heaters come in models which do not have fans and also which are aided by fans. Fan aided models are prescribed for larger areas like halls. For smaller rooms like bedrooms, models which do not have the function of fans are recommended. As compared to fan assisted models, models without fans are less expensive but with time, fan aided models are considered cost effective.
Ceramic heaters have many advantages apart from the concept of 'clean heating' which is normally associated with it. Some important aspects through which ceramic heaters are advantageous are as follows.
Area of Operation
With the same capacity, ceramic heaters heat a larger area as compared to a standard radiant heater. Hence, larger area can be influenced in terms of heat with the help of a ceramic heater.
Portability Factors
Ceramic heaters are compact which assist their portability to a great extent. Its 'easy to move' feature makes it a worthy contender for every household.
Clean Heating
Unlike heating with fuels which produce emissions, ceramic heaters provide a clean type of heating devoid of toxic fumes. Hence, these heaters can be used in labs as well.
Cost Factors
Unlike some other electric heaters, ceramic heaters are better suited for heating single rooms hence the heat and cost utilization is enhanced (heating of empty rooms is avoided). This is the reason ceramic heaters are preferred by small households. Many ceramic heaters come with timers which also saves a lot of energy.
If ceramic heaters are used with the below sub-factors, it can work wonders
• You can insulate your house for better results.
• Close doors whenever and wherever applicable to avoid loss of heat.
• Same way, using thick curtains also prevents loss of heat thereby increasing the efficiency of ceramic heaters.
All things considered, ceramic heaters are better suited for families, small offices and cabins.