How to Avoid a Traffic Jam
1Find an alternate route. The highway isn't always the fastest way to get from point A to point B. Research the area and check online maps to see if you can find a shorter route to work. Often, the surface streets flow more smoothly during rush hour and can shave off a significant portion of your drive time.
Stay on the access road. If you want to avoid a traffic jam, try staying on the access roads during peak hours. When everyone is trying their hardest to get on the freeway, sometimes the smartest thing you can do is get off.
Change your work schedule. The majority of the population works from 8 to 5, which means that the majority of traffic jams happen around 7 and 6. So if you want to avoid a traffic jam, talk to your manager about coming in early or leaving later. Most won't mind the schedule change, and leaving just 30 minutes earlier than normal can cut an hour off your commute time.
Drive the speed limit. If everyone drove the speed limit and stopped dawdling around, traffic jams would be a thing of the past. So do your part and drive responsibly.
Know what's up ahead. Listen to the radio or watch the news before leaving for work, so that you can keep abreast of the traffic situation. If you know there's a traffic jam in progress, avoid leaving the house until the problem has been corrected.
Telecommute. The only surefire way to avoid a traffic jam is to stop commuting all together. Many companies are now offering their employees the option to telecommute, thus eliminating the traffic headaches associated with getting to work.