How to Get Kabutops in Pearl
- 1). See all 150 Pokemon in the Sinnoh region. You can do this by battling every Pokemon trainer, gym leader and Elite Four member. Return to Sandgem Town and have a talk with Professor Rowan, who will inspect your Pokedex. You will receive the National Pokedex to complete.
- 2). Access the Sinnoh Underground with the Explorer Kit. Follow the yellow stars on the Sinnoh Underground map. These stars signal the presence of a hidden item. Tap the touch screen and look for white diamonds on the walls.
- 3). Walk up to the part of the wall where you saw a white diamond. Press "A" to activate the Excavation mini-game. Break the wall with the Pickaxe or Hammer to uncover items. You must uncover an item completely before the wall collapses to get the item.
- 4). Play this mini-game until you manage to uncover a Dome Fossil, which is extremely rare in the Sinnoh Underground. Once you find a Dome Fossil, move it to "Bag" above ground and leave the Sinnoh Underground. Go to the Oreburgh Mining Museum in Oreburgh City, Sinnoh.
- 5). Talk to the man behind the counter. He will prompt you to choose a fossil to resurrect. Choose the "Dome Fossil." Make sure you have one empty space in your party. Leave and return to the room. Speak to the man and he will give you a Level 20 Kabuto. Train the Kabuto to Level 40 and it will evolve into a Kabutops.