How to Convert Vinyl to CD or MP3
- 1). Download Audacity (link in Resources) and install it on your computer. This is a free program designed to recording, editing and converting audio. Open Audacity, go to Edit > Preferences > Devices and select your sound card from the drop-down menu next to "Recording." Click "OK."
- 2). Plug the RCA cable from the back of your record player into the "Phono Input" on your audio receiver. Plug the red and white tipped end of the RCA to 1/8 cable into the "Output" on your receiver and the other end into the 1/8 inch stereo input on your computer. Switch the Audio receiver to "On" and press the "Phono" button.
- 3). Place the vinyl record on the player and the press "Record" in Audacity. Place the needle onto the record to start play and allow it to play as much of the record as you want recorded. Press "Stop" in Audacity and remove the needle from the player when it's through recording.
- 4). Go to File > Export in Audacity, name the track and press "OK." Choose a folder where you want the file saved, click the drop-down menu under the file browser, choose "MP3 Files" and hit "Save." This creates an MP3 of the vinyl record you just recorded. You now have the option to make a CD out of these files using your computer's recording software.