God Misinterpreted!! Part 1
God is good….All the time! How many times have we heard this rhetorical statement, especially from Great American Christians? Cedric the Entertainer once made a joke about how people get a faddish saying locked into their brains and say it without thinking. To paraphrase, "It's funny how people say it's all good." I was asking this guy I hadn't seen in a while how had things been going lately. He said my cousin is 13 years old and just got locked up for 10 years, but it's all good though." Cedric said he thought to himself, "No, how can you say that's all good? I made that point to ask," After all the bad things that happen to good people, how can anyone in their right mind say that God is good all the time." This question also led me to ponder if God is even responsible for the everyday things that go on in people's lives.
Consider this. If someone goes into business without any kind of business plan and the business fails, was it that "GOD JUST DIDN'T WANT IT TO BE," as the Christian is notorious for saying after hearing such news or was it that this "BUSINESS PERSON" was just a bad business person. Had this person took time out to research their market, get a proper business plan, and seek professional assistance, would it be safe to say their chances for success would have been drastically improved?
To go further with this point, how many Atheists have successful business endeavors at this time and don't even acknowledge the existence of this GOD who supposedly created the whole universe that spans billions of light years with the wave of a hand, yet can't stop cocaine, AIDS, Influenza, viruses, global warming, Crips and Bloods, nuclear weapons, starvation, etc? Let's take people like Oprah Winfrey, Ross Perot, the Rockefeller Family, the Walton Family (Wal-Mart), Bill Gates, etc. These are people who clearly, if they are worshipping a "GOD," not worshipping the same God as the Great American Christian. So why are they successful and to what do their successes owe their credit? Is it God or is it their hard work and sound business decisions.
Let's observe another example. Take the Christian who has a Cross and an I Love Jesus car freshener hanging from the rear-view mirror, gets in a life threatening car wreck. Let's look at this process. First thing that happens is 911 is called. Then a team of Paramedics who are trained in Emergency Medicine are dispatched to the scene. They get there and immediately start to administer drugs and other life-saving procedures, correct? They find out what injuries this CHRISTIAN has and call ahead to the hospital and again, a trained surgical team is dispatched. This God-fearing Christian is rushed into the operating room for life-saving surgery. Lastly, the surgeon, who has studied medicine for 10-15 years and performed countless operations, comes out and tells the Christian family in the waiting room who's been squeezing hands and praying to God, scared senseless that their loved one may not live, that the person is going to be all right. What happens? THEY ALL LOOK UP TO HEAVEN AND THANK THIS GOD WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR LETTING THE WRECK HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!
What is sad about this is that someone is reading this article right now asking, "What's wrong with that?" It is quite obvious that we don't think anymore. I will tell you what's wrong with that. No one thanked the surgeon, the Paramedics, or the 911 operator. Now, I will debate the Christian who is saying that it was God who guided the surgeons hand and if it wasn't for God the surgeon could never have learned all that and become a surgeon. I have to ask at this time, "Who does the Great American thank when it's discovered later that the surgeon left a scalpel inside of their loved one and he/she dies?"
The American doesn't thank anyone. They immediately get a lawyer to file a negligence suit against the surgeon who, when all goes well they'll say, "GOD WAS WORKING THROUGH." So if "God is good…. All the time", how come nobody thanked GOD OR THE SURGEON for their loved ones' death? How come nobody says, "That's just the way God wanted it to be?"More importantly, how come nobody sued God since it was God guiding everybody's hands anyway? On the other hand, let's say the loved one lived. Again, I must ask, "DOES THE AMERICAN THANK GOD WHEN THE MEDICAL BILLS POUR INTO THE MAILBOX?" No, they don't, they then ask GOD to work in mysterious ways and send them the money to pay the bill for the surgery that was caused by the wreck that GOD knew was going to happen and didn't stop in the first place!!!!
This is one reason why I think God is no doubt misinterpreted. Let's break this down and look at it. As I pointed out the Christian has been taught not to think and I will prove it. If it was GOD working another one of his "miracles" why was so much help involved? WHY WASN'T THE PERSON RUSHED TO THE CHURCH? They could have taken the person inside the church, closed the doors, went outside, and let God wave his hands and work his miracles. No lines like the hospital, no waiting, no filling out forms, none of that, just good ol' fashioned miracles from GOD. Even still in the case of the surgery at the hospital, how come God doesn't send notes to the hospital in his own handwriting to tell the hospital administrators that particular surgery was one of his miracles and not to charge that Great American Family who faithfully pays tithes every Sunday generation after generation one cent for it?
This is the new way of thinking that has been brought to us by our Master Teacher and Spiritual Guide Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York. It is Dr. York, known to us as Paa Munzal, the Incarnated One, who has freed us from the idle worship of spook gods who can neither help nor hurt us. We must return to our natural way of life, which was reverence (not worship) to our Ancestors who have made their transition to the other side. For, without them we would not be. Due to length, I will continue this article as Part 2 and I will show Bible verses that further prove my point that undoubtedly God is misinterpreted and taken out of context biblically. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York and this life-changing doctrine has put us back on the right path of right thinking like our ancestors, the Great Egyptians, who built ancient Egypt, over 10,500 years ago and yet to be duplicated.
Consider this. If someone goes into business without any kind of business plan and the business fails, was it that "GOD JUST DIDN'T WANT IT TO BE," as the Christian is notorious for saying after hearing such news or was it that this "BUSINESS PERSON" was just a bad business person. Had this person took time out to research their market, get a proper business plan, and seek professional assistance, would it be safe to say their chances for success would have been drastically improved?
To go further with this point, how many Atheists have successful business endeavors at this time and don't even acknowledge the existence of this GOD who supposedly created the whole universe that spans billions of light years with the wave of a hand, yet can't stop cocaine, AIDS, Influenza, viruses, global warming, Crips and Bloods, nuclear weapons, starvation, etc? Let's take people like Oprah Winfrey, Ross Perot, the Rockefeller Family, the Walton Family (Wal-Mart), Bill Gates, etc. These are people who clearly, if they are worshipping a "GOD," not worshipping the same God as the Great American Christian. So why are they successful and to what do their successes owe their credit? Is it God or is it their hard work and sound business decisions.
Let's observe another example. Take the Christian who has a Cross and an I Love Jesus car freshener hanging from the rear-view mirror, gets in a life threatening car wreck. Let's look at this process. First thing that happens is 911 is called. Then a team of Paramedics who are trained in Emergency Medicine are dispatched to the scene. They get there and immediately start to administer drugs and other life-saving procedures, correct? They find out what injuries this CHRISTIAN has and call ahead to the hospital and again, a trained surgical team is dispatched. This God-fearing Christian is rushed into the operating room for life-saving surgery. Lastly, the surgeon, who has studied medicine for 10-15 years and performed countless operations, comes out and tells the Christian family in the waiting room who's been squeezing hands and praying to God, scared senseless that their loved one may not live, that the person is going to be all right. What happens? THEY ALL LOOK UP TO HEAVEN AND THANK THIS GOD WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR LETTING THE WRECK HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!
What is sad about this is that someone is reading this article right now asking, "What's wrong with that?" It is quite obvious that we don't think anymore. I will tell you what's wrong with that. No one thanked the surgeon, the Paramedics, or the 911 operator. Now, I will debate the Christian who is saying that it was God who guided the surgeons hand and if it wasn't for God the surgeon could never have learned all that and become a surgeon. I have to ask at this time, "Who does the Great American thank when it's discovered later that the surgeon left a scalpel inside of their loved one and he/she dies?"
The American doesn't thank anyone. They immediately get a lawyer to file a negligence suit against the surgeon who, when all goes well they'll say, "GOD WAS WORKING THROUGH." So if "God is good…. All the time", how come nobody thanked GOD OR THE SURGEON for their loved ones' death? How come nobody says, "That's just the way God wanted it to be?"More importantly, how come nobody sued God since it was God guiding everybody's hands anyway? On the other hand, let's say the loved one lived. Again, I must ask, "DOES THE AMERICAN THANK GOD WHEN THE MEDICAL BILLS POUR INTO THE MAILBOX?" No, they don't, they then ask GOD to work in mysterious ways and send them the money to pay the bill for the surgery that was caused by the wreck that GOD knew was going to happen and didn't stop in the first place!!!!
This is one reason why I think God is no doubt misinterpreted. Let's break this down and look at it. As I pointed out the Christian has been taught not to think and I will prove it. If it was GOD working another one of his "miracles" why was so much help involved? WHY WASN'T THE PERSON RUSHED TO THE CHURCH? They could have taken the person inside the church, closed the doors, went outside, and let God wave his hands and work his miracles. No lines like the hospital, no waiting, no filling out forms, none of that, just good ol' fashioned miracles from GOD. Even still in the case of the surgery at the hospital, how come God doesn't send notes to the hospital in his own handwriting to tell the hospital administrators that particular surgery was one of his miracles and not to charge that Great American Family who faithfully pays tithes every Sunday generation after generation one cent for it?
This is the new way of thinking that has been brought to us by our Master Teacher and Spiritual Guide Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York. It is Dr. York, known to us as Paa Munzal, the Incarnated One, who has freed us from the idle worship of spook gods who can neither help nor hurt us. We must return to our natural way of life, which was reverence (not worship) to our Ancestors who have made their transition to the other side. For, without them we would not be. Due to length, I will continue this article as Part 2 and I will show Bible verses that further prove my point that undoubtedly God is misinterpreted and taken out of context biblically. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York and this life-changing doctrine has put us back on the right path of right thinking like our ancestors, the Great Egyptians, who built ancient Egypt, over 10,500 years ago and yet to be duplicated.